DC Database

"Blackhawk: "Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy"": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 You fool! That's who I came to see! -- Your commander! -- Call your stooges off or I'll do you into a fancy true-love knot! Quote2
— Blackhawk

Military Comics #39 is an issue of the series Military Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1945.

Synopsis for Blackhawk: "Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy"

Appearing in Blackhawk: "Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy
  • organized Chinese guerrillas
  • occupied Chinese civilians


  • China
    • the Hotang Front
      • Hill #88


  • Kwan Yin's elixir
  • Jade Image of Kwan Yin


Synopsis for Choo Choo and Cherry: "Waves of Tomorrow"

Appearing in Choo Choo and Cherry: "Waves of Tomorrow"

Featured Characters:

  • Choo Choo LaMoe
  • Cherry Lane

Synopsis for Death Patrol: "The Fire Bug"

Appearing in Death Patrol: "The Fire Bug"

Featured Characters:


  • Fire Bug (Dies)


  • D.P.'s Airport Hangar
  • North Woods


  • Death Patrol's Six Unique Combat Aircraft

Synopsis for Private Dogtag: "Haunted Mountain"

Appearing in Private Dogtag: "Haunted Mountain"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for Ezra: "The School Picnic"

Appearing in Ezra: "The School Picnic"

Featured Characters:

  • Ezra

Synopsis for PT Boat: "Orders For MTB Squadron Six"

Appearing in PT Boat: "Orders For MTB Squadron Six"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Commander Platt, Squadron Commander
    • MTB Squadron Six
    • three PT Crewmen (all die)


Other Characters:

  • Shipwreck Survivors



  • U.S. PT Boat (Destroyed)
  • U.S. Cruiser


  • Blackhawk is shot down for the eighth time,[1] and survives his twelfth plane crash.
    • Over the course of his long combat career, Blackhawk survived at least twenty-two aircraft crashes.[2]
    • He later is head-konked unconscious, for the fourth time,[3] with a rifle butt.
    • Being a Blackhawk is dangerous.
  • Death Patrol
    • Yogi reappears, after last issue's absence, with no explanation or mention of it.
    • But now Boris is absent.
  • Al Stahl again replaces Bart Tumey on Private Dogtag.
  • PT Boat
    • Harvey and Tobias both carry handguns, but have no visible holsters. And they're both as usual wearing dress white uniforms in combat.
  • Also featured in this issue of Military Comics were:

See Also

Links and References

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Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Superboy Vol 4 69
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