DC Database

Quote1 The world wasn't built for guys like us. That's why we gotta take whatever we decide is ours. 'Cause no one's gonna give it to us, not without a fight. Quote2
— The Penguin src

The Penguin (real name Oz Cobb) is a ruthless, sardonic, and ambitious criminal in Gotham City. Once the lieutenant to crime lord Carmine Falcone, he was one of the earliest enemies of the Batman, and aspired to make his way through to the top of the city's criminal empires.

Early life and career

Oswald "Oz" Cobb was born and raised, along with his brothers, in Gotham City, New Jersey by their mother Francis. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood, Oz came to admire local mob boss Rex Calabrese, who garnered great respect from those around him, even leading to a small parade when he passed away. Combined with his desire to live up to his controlling mother's high expectations, Oz grew up to be a cruel and impulsive criminal. He earned the nickname "Penguin" from his plump figure and waddling limp, caused by clubfoot. Later, he became romantically involved with Eve Karlo.[1]

Work with the Falcones

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Oz Cobb in the Iceberg Lounge

The Penguin eventually became a member of the Falcone Crime Syndicate, rising up to become Carmine Falcone's right hand man. He became one of the major proprietors of drops and other drugs as part of a tight drug ring the Falcones took over from Sal Maroni and used to effectively control the city, with many government officials on Carmine's payroll. Oz also became the manager of the Iceberg Lounge, their primary hangout space.[3]

In 2020, the Penguin attempted to export military-grade explosives into the city to create a new finance ring for the mob, and rise even further in the criminal underworld. However, the newly emerged vigilante Batman stopped the dealings, which brought tension between Carmine and Oz, though they continued their work together.[2] The Penguin was also involved in the incarceration of Carmine's daughter, Sofia, who had killed seven women.[1]

The Riddler killings

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Interrogated by Gordon and the Batman

In 2022, the serial killer known as the Riddler began targeting and slaughtering Gotham's corrupt elite, all tying back to Carmine Falcone. While overseeing a shipment of drops, the Penguin was attacked by the Batman, who interrogated him, falsely believing him to be the rat who helped Falcone take control of Maroni's drug operation. The Penguin helped him solve one of the Riddler's puzzles, revealing Falcone as the rat, and allowing the Batman to get even closer to taking the Riddler down.[3]

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Oz overlooks his new empire

As the Riddler killed more and more of Falcone's major associates, his criminal empire started to lose its power. After Falcone was apprehended by the police, the Riddler fatally shot Falcone with a sniper rifle before he himself was captured. After the Riddler's followers attacked and flooded most of the city, the Penguin prepared to take control of the Falcone Crime Syndicate on his own.[3]

Gang war in Gotham

A week after the flood, the Penguin headed to the destroyed Iceberg Lounge, where he ran into Alberto, Falcone's drug-addicted, party-going son and the successor to the criminal empire. During his talk with Alberto, he told him about his childhood and how he was protected by Calabrese, expressing his desire to be like him, but with Alberto mocking him because he would never reach the top, the Penguin was filled with anger and guided by his instincts, he shot Alberto, before realizing the mistake he had made. Through Alberto's phone, he found out about the drop ship that would take place, so he had plans to dock the shipment.

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Taking a protégé

Taking the corpse to hide it, the Penguin encountered a gang of teenage thieves and ran into the stuttering young man, Victor Aguilar, who lost his family during the flood. Instead of killing him, the Penguin formed a friendly bond with him and made him his right-hand man and protégé. In the midst of the discussions of the Falcone Criminal Syndicate, Sofia, who left Arkham State Hospital reformed, began to suspect Falcone's disappearance, threatening and chasing the Penguin to find out what happened to Alberto. Despite his attempts to flee, the Penguin, guided by his mother, sought to make an alliance with Sal Maroni to achieve the drop. While being humiliated and tortured by Sofia, the Penguin refused to answer what happened to Alberto, laughing when she saw a car, driven by Victor, arrive at the base, revealing Alberto's corpse. Avoiding suspicion against him, the Penguin decided to take the drop cargo and reach the top by himself.[1]


Other Characteristics


  • Leg brace


  • Maserati Quattroporte


  • Micro Uzi
  • Pistol

  • Oz has scars on his face around his nose, suggesting it was carved into its beaklike shape with a knife.[3]
  • Oz appears to be a Dolly Parton fan and owns at least one of her albums.[1]
  • Reed "Piggy" Porcello knew Oz's last name to be "Cobblepot" instead of "Cobb", like his Prime Earth counterpart.[2]


External Links


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Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."
