DC Database

Quote1 Hold me like a beloved sister. Whisper to me like a trusted friend. Fear me more than death. Quote2
— Polly Peachpit src

Polly Peachpit is a alternate dimensional mental-parasite that infected Melba Li when she was child.

Years later, while Li was held in a juvenile detention center, Li was forced to once again contact Polly and tell her that she had been offered a position to hunt other parasites. Li, she said, needed Polly's help to kill the parasites they would find. In exchange for the attention she craved and needed to live, Polly accepted.[1]



  • Dependency: Polly, like all parasites, can live only off of the attention of a single human or multiple humans. If she's ignored long enough, like when a child grows up, she will slowly die as if she was never there.



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Vertigo Character
This character exists under the Vertigo Imprint which is intended for Mature Readers.Their continuity takes place within the context of Vertigo titles although they may cross over into regular DC continuity.