DC Database

"The Case of the Charming Crook!": Crooks extract the essence of Sunny, that makes him so likable, so the mafia boss can use people however he wants to.

Quote1 Oh, I'm going to give you something, all right... the back of my hand! Quote2
— Captain Marvel

Shazam! #13 is an issue of the series Shazam! (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1974.

Synopsis for "The Case of the Charming Crook!"

Crooks extract the essence of Sunny, that makes him so likable, so the mafia boss can use people however he wants to.

Appearing in "The Case of the Charming Crook!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Dr. Quacker
  • A unnamed crime boss and his henchmen
    • Lefty & Lanky

Other Characters:

  • Doc Quartz


Synopsis for "Mrs. Wagner's Forbidden Room"

Reprinted from Captain Marvel, Jr. #92.

Appearing in "Mrs. Wagner's Forbidden Room"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Leroy Marks
  • Red O'Riley
  • The Count


  • Nick Varso

Other Characters:

  • Mrs. Wagner
  • Mr. Marks


Synopsis for "The Original Captain Marvel Gets a Secretary!"

Reprinted from Captain Marvel Adventures #67.

Appearing in "The Original Captain Marvel Gets a Secretary!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Dina Duval
  • Fingers Sloane


Synopsis for "Mr. Tawny's Sales Campaign"

Reprinted from Captain Marvel Adventures #119.

Appearing in "Mr. Tawny's Sales Campaign"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Honest John Jippo

Other Characters:

  • Several angry housewives


Synopsis for "A New Home for Billy"

Reprinted from Captain Marvel Adventures #133.

Appearing in "A New Home for Billy"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gus Crummly

Other Characters:

  • Ma Potter
  • Pa Potter
  • Mr. Knox
  • Mrs. Knox


Synopsis for "The Marvel Family Battles the Pandora Pirates, Chapter One: The Treasure Danger"

This story is reprinted from The Marvel Family #72.

On a beach day with Billy's boss, Billy, Mary and Freddy witness Sterling Morris discover an ancient bottle in the water. When he opens it, a puff of smoke with instructions on finding treasure on the Barbary Coast is revealed. The group follows the clue to a cave hiding a treasure chest. Upon opening it, a pirate crew appears from inside. When the Marvels make short work of them, the leader explains they were routed in 1815 by Stephen Decatur, and used magic to hide from him in the chest, trusting the magic bottle to find someone to free them eventually. The pirates manage to escape from the Marvels with help from a cloud created by the bottle, and decide to attack a caravan for operating capital to begin their piracy enterprises anew.

Appearing in "The Marvel Family Battles the Pandora Pirates, Chapter One: The Treasure Danger"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Barbary Pirates



  • Sterling Morris' private plane

Synopsis for "The Marvel Family Battles the Pandora Pirates, Chapter Two: Pirate Plunder"

This story is reprinted from The Marvel Family #72.

The Marvels intercept the pirates, who escape by conjuring a tornado from the bottle, and escaping with plunder and supplies. Flying to the coast, the Marvels find the pirates' old ship buried in the sand, which they dig up and launch, planning to sail up the coast to lure the pirates into attacking to get the ship back. Sterling Morris finds the old captain's turban and sword, but when he puts them on the captain's ghost takes over his body. Because the Marvels had changed back to kids to keep from scaring off the pirates, he easily knocks them unconscious, leaving the kids at the pirates' mercy when they come to join their old leader.

Appearing in "The Marvel Family Battles the Pandora Pirates, Chapter Two: Pirate Plunder"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Barbary Pirates



  • Sterling Morris' private plane

Synopsis for "The Marvel Family Battles the Pandora Pirates, Chapter Three: The Pirate Pay-Off"

This story is reprinted from The Marvel Family #72.

Morris/Abdullah rallies his crew, but his old habits are out of touch with ships of the modern day. The pirates find themselves out of their depth when they try to sack a giant cruise ship, with the wake of its passing sweeping a giant wave over the deck. The kids manage to transform, but the pirates escape when Morris/Abdullah uses the magic bottle to conjure a whirlpool to suck down the cruise ship, so the Marvels have to divert and rescue it instead of capturing the pirates. Next Morris/Abdullah leads them to attack a smaller ship, but it's a target boat for naval weapon testing. Incensed, one of the pirates takes the captain's hat and declares himself the new leader. After robbing a pearl boat, the pirates head to an island to bury their treasure, forcing Morris to dig it then planning to execute him once he's finished. Fortunately, he managed to get hold of the magic bottle and used it to send a smoke signal that brings the Marvels to the rescue just in time.

Appearing in "The Marvel Family Battles the Pandora Pirates, Chapter Three: The Pirate Pay-Off"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Barbary Pirates



  • Sterling Morris' private plane

Synopsis for "The Ancient Crime"

This story is reprinted from Captain Marvel Adventures #79.

Billy Batson's reading up on ancient Egypt, since that was the time of his mentor, the wizard Shazam. To his shock and horror, however, the book in his hands reveals that Shazam robbed the pharaoh. The boy transforms and flies off to consult with the author of the book, who obligingly presents Marvel with the papyrus on which he made his report. Next Billy goes to ask Shazam himself, and the ancient ghost says his testimony wouldn't be worth anything, but there's a way to learn the truth, which Billy figures out to mean he should fly to the Rock of Eternity and time travel to ancient Egypt to learn the truth for himself.

Cap's suspicions are enflamed even more when he arrives at the reported time, and sees Shazam receiving royal gratitude from the pharaoh himself. Captain Marvel saves the pharaoh from having some flaming drapes fall on him, only for Shazam to suddenly return and demand treasure for the service he'd just done the kingdom. Since the wizard didn't recognize him, Captain Marvel realizes that must be an imposter taking advantage of Shazam's good name. He forces the crook to write a confession a gold plate, just before a horrendous sandstorm wipe out the criminal and the entire city. Still determined to see his mentor's name cleared, Cap casually lifts the edge of a pyramid to stash the confession, and back in his own time leads archeologists there to find it.


Appearing in "The Ancient Crime"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • An Unnamed Thief (Flashback only) (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • The Pharaoh (Flashback only)
  • Professor Jenks



Synopsis for "The Haunted Clubhouse!"

Appearing in "The Haunted Clubhouse!"

Featured Characters:


  • Ghost Gordon Green

Other Characters:

  • Clarise
  • Peggy



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
