DC Database

In the 1930s, amid the run-up to World War II, as conducted in the Quality Universe, neutral countries included Andorra, Argentina, Cerania, Herma, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Moravia, Portugal, Quanalla, Ruina, San Marino, San Miguel, Slovia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerla

Spain is a southern European country, sharing the Iberian peninsula with Portugal and bordering France and Andorra in the North.


World War II

In the 1930s, amid the run-up to World War II, as conducted in the Quality Universe, neutral countries included Andorra, Argentina, Cerania, Herma, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Moravia, Portugal, Quanalla, Ruina, San Marino, San Miguel, Slovia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Yadovnia. Also before WWII, Spain experienced the Spanish Civil War, with the same outcome, in which Generalissimo Francisco Franco seized control of the nation, as was also the case in the real world, and most or all of the parallel-earth universes.

In the late 1930s, Bothnian secret agents smuggled a cargo of stolen U.S. National Guard weapons from New York City to Bilbao, Spain. Also aboard this freighter was an American secret agent, working to find the smugglers' hidden bosses. The freighter arrived safely at Bilbao, and was unloaded into a single truck, then whisked away, eastward into Spain's interior, to a secret Bothnian military base. The U.S. spy found this base, 20 miles south of the Pyrenees and east of Juan River. He alerted the U.S. Ambassador, who in turn notified the Spanish Government. Spanish police then took charge of the situation.[1]

Points of Interest

See Also
