DC Database

"Imperius Lex, Part 1: The Super Man Who Would Be King": A civil war rages on the planet Apokolips. With Darkseid missing, the inhabitants of Apokolips fight for dominance. A old prophet and his aide Ardora believe that order can only return to Apokolips when Darkseid's heir sits on the throne o

Quote1 We've missed you, Lex Luthor. God of Apokolips. Quote2
— Ardora

Superman (Volume 4) #33 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 4) with a cover date of December, 2017. It was published on October 18, 2017.

Synopsis for "Imperius Lex, Part 1: The Super Man Who Would Be King"

A civil war rages on the planet Apokolips. With Darkseid missing, the inhabitants of Apokolips fight for dominance. A old prophet and his aide Ardora believe that order can only return to Apokolips when Darkseid's heir sits on the throne of Apokolips, and for that to happen, they must search for the heir at once.

Meanwhile, on the busy streets of Metropolis, a group of bank robbers attempts to escape from the police, only to be intercepted by Superman and Lex Luthor. The two heroes are able to work together and capture the criminals. As the police takes control of the crime scene, Superman and Lex go their separate ways. Lex returns to his tower, but suddenly, the old prophet and Ardora ambush him. They incapacitate Lex and place a restraining helmet on his head, and with their mission accomplished, they teleport back to Apokolips.

Superman returns to his apartment and gets ready to spend some quality time with his family. Clark, Lois and Jon make plans to go to the cinema and have dinner later, but then, a radio transmission detectable only to Kryptonian is heard by Clark and Jon. The transmission, a message left by Lex, asks Superman to come to the LexCorp tower, but Clark thinks Lex just wants to brag about his latest piece of technology and ignores the message.

Much later, the Kents go for a walk in the park until they are intercepted by a squad of robots built by Lex. The robots display a pre-recorded message left by Lex, in which he asks Superman for help in a personal matter. Clark, aware that the robots cannot recognize his secret identity, says he cannot leave Metropolis unprotected and thus, he declines Luthor's request. The robots, programmed to capture Superman, turn hostile, forcing Superman and Superboy into a battle. Although the heroes defend themselves, the robots are equipped with a Mother Box, which summons a boom tube that surrounds Superman and his family. As the boom tube dissipates, Superman, Lois and Superboy find themselves separated across different points in the planet Apokolips.

Appearing in "Imperius Lex, Part 1: The Super Man Who Would Be King"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters: Antagonists:

Other Characters:




  • JLAR's Van (First appearance)



  • Lex Luthor was previously referred to as the "God of Apokolips" during the Darkseid War.

See Also

Links and References
