WildC.A.T.s is a 1994-1995 animated series that aired on CBS. It was supposed to compete with FOX's X-Men: The Animated Series, though it was cancelled after one season. It starred the Wildstorm team WildC.A.T.s.
A tie-in comic, WildC.A.T.s Adventures, was also published. It featured a retelling of the first 10 episodes.
Additionally a tie-in video game, also called WildC.A.T.s and set in the same universe, was released in 1995.
- "Dark Blade Falling"
- "Heart of Steel"
- "Cry of the Coda"
- "The Evil Within"
- "The Big Takedown"
- "Lives in the Balance"
- "Soul of a Giant"
- "Betrayed"
- "Black Razor's Edge"
- "And Then There Were None"
- "M.V.P."
- "Endgame, Part 1"
- "Endgame, Part 2"