Interface Project

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.Comparable<Project>, ExtensionAware, PluginAware

    public interface Project
    extends java.lang.Comparable<Project>, ExtensionAware, PluginAware

    This interface is the main API you use to interact with Gradle from your build file. From a Project, you have programmatic access to all of Gradle's features.


    There is a one-to-one relationship between a Project and a "build.gradle" file. During build initialisation, Gradle assembles a Project object for each project which is to participate in the build, as follows:

    • Create a Settings instance for the build.
    • Evaluate the "settings.gradle" script, if present, against the Settings object to configure it.
    • Use the configured Settings object to create the hierarchy of Project instances.
    • Finally, evaluate each Project by executing its "build.gradle" file, if present, against the project. The projects are evaluated in breadth-wise order, such that a project is evaluated before its child projects. This order can be overridden by calling evaluationDependsOnChildren() or by adding an explicit evaluation dependency using evaluationDependsOn(String).


    A project is essentially a collection of Task objects. Each task performs some basic piece of work, such as compiling classes, or running unit tests, or zipping up a WAR file. You add tasks to a project using one of the create() methods on TaskContainer, such as TaskContainer.create(String). You can locate existing tasks using one of the lookup methods on TaskContainer, such as TaskCollection.getByName(String).


    A project generally has a number of dependencies it needs in order to do its work. Also, a project generally produces a number of artifacts, which other projects can use. Those dependencies are grouped in configurations, and can be retrieved and uploaded from repositories. You use the ConfigurationContainer returned by getConfigurations() method to manage the configurations. The DependencyHandler returned by getDependencies() method to manage the dependencies. The ArtifactHandler returned by getArtifacts() method to manage the artifacts. The RepositoryHandler returned by getRepositories() method to manage the repositories.

    Multi-project Builds

    Projects are arranged into a hierarchy of projects. A project has a name, and a fully qualified path which uniquely identifies it in the hierarchy.


    Plugins can be used to modularise and reuse project configuration. Plugins can be applied using the PluginAware.apply(java.util.Map) method, or by using the PluginDependenciesSpec plugins script block.

    Dynamic Project Properties

    Gradle executes the project's build file against the Project instance to configure the project. Any property or method which your script uses is delegated through to the associated Project object. This means, that you can use any of the methods and properties on the Project interface directly in your script.

    For example:

     defaultTasks('some-task')  // Delegates to Project.defaultTasks()
     reportsDir = file('reports') // Delegates to Project.file() and the Java Plugin

    You can also access the Project instance using the project property. This can make the script clearer in some cases. For example, you could use rather than name to access the project's name.

    A project has 5 property 'scopes', which it searches for properties. You can access these properties by name in your build file, or by calling the project's property(String) method. The scopes are:

    • The Project object itself. This scope includes any property getters and setters declared by the Project implementation class. For example, getRootProject() is accessible as the rootProject property. The properties of this scope are readable or writable depending on the presence of the corresponding getter or setter method.
    • The extra properties of the project. Each project maintains a map of extra properties, which can contain any arbitrary name -> value pair. Once defined, the properties of this scope are readable and writable. See extra properties for more details.
    • The extensions added to the project by the plugins. Each extension is available as a read-only property with the same name as the extension.
    • The convention properties added to the project by the plugins. A plugin can add properties and methods to a project through the project's Convention object. The properties of this scope may be readable or writable, depending on the convention objects.
    • The tasks of the project. A task is accessible by using its name as a property name. The properties of this scope are read-only. For example, a task called compile is accessible as the compile property.
    • The extra properties and convention properties are inherited from the project's parent, recursively up to the root project. The properties of this scope are read-only.

    When reading a property, the project searches the above scopes in order, and returns the value from the first scope it finds the property in. If not found, an exception is thrown. See property(String) for more details.

    When writing a property, the project searches the above scopes in order, and sets the property in the first scope it finds the property in. If not found, an exception is thrown. See setProperty(String, Object) for more details.

    Extra Properties

    All extra properties must be defined through the "ext" namespace. Once an extra property has been defined, it is available directly on the owning object (in the below case the Project, Task, and sub-projects respectively) and can be read and updated. Only the initial declaration that needs to be done via the namespace.

     project.ext.prop1 = "foo"
     task doStuff {
         ext.prop2 = "bar"
     subprojects { ext.${prop3} = false }
    Reading extra properties is done through the "ext" or through the owning object.
     ext.isSnapshot = version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")
     if (isSnapshot) {
         // do snapshot stuff

    Dynamic Methods

    A project has 5 method 'scopes', which it searches for methods:

    • The Project object itself.
    • The build file. The project searches for a matching method declared in the build file.
    • The extensions added to the project by the plugins. Each extension is available as a method which takes a closure or Action as a parameter.
    • The convention methods added to the project by the plugins. A plugin can add properties and method to a project through the project's Convention object.
    • The tasks of the project. A method is added for each task, using the name of the task as the method name and taking a single closure or Action parameter. The method calls the Task.configure(groovy.lang.Closure) method for the associated task with the provided closure. For example, if the project has a task called compile, then a method is added with the following signature: void compile(Closure configureClosure).
    • The methods of the parent project, recursively up to the root project.
    • A property of the project whose value is a closure. The closure is treated as a method and called with the provided parameters. The property is located as described above.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE
        The default project build file name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String PATH_SEPARATOR
        The hierarchy separator for project and task path names.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR_NAME
        The default build directory name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getRootProject

        Project getRootProject()

        Returns the root project for the hierarchy that this project belongs to. In the case of a single-project build, this method returns this project.

        The root project. Never returns null.
      • getRootDir getRootDir()

        Returns the root directory of this project. The root directory is the project directory of the root project.

        The root directory. Never returns null.
      • getBuildDir

        @Deprecated getBuildDir()
        Use getLayout().getBuildDirectory() instead

        Returns the build directory of this project. The build directory is the directory which all artifacts are generated into. The default value for the build directory is projectDir/build

        The build directory. Never returns null.
      • setBuildDir

        void setBuildDir​( path)
        Use getLayout().getBuildDirectory() and set the DirectoryProperty

        Sets the build directory of this project. The build directory is the directory which all artifacts are generated into.

        path - The build directory
      • setBuildDir

        void setBuildDir​(java.lang.Object path)
        Use getLayout().getBuildDirectory() and set the DirectoryProperty

        Sets the build directory of this project. The build directory is the directory which all artifacts are generated into. The path parameter is evaluated as described for file(Object). This mean you can use, amongst other things, a relative or absolute path or File object to specify the build directory.

        path - The build directory. This is evaluated as per file(Object)
      • getBuildFile getBuildFile()
        The build script for this project.

        If the file exists, it will be evaluated against this project when this project is configured.

        the build script for this project.
      • getParent

        Project getParent()

        Returns the parent project of this project, if any.

        The parent project, or null if this is the root project.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()

        Returns the name of this project. The project's name is not necessarily unique within a project hierarchy. You should use the getPath() method for a unique identifier for the project. If the root project is unnamed and is located on a file system root it will have a randomly-generated name

        The name of this project. Never return null.
      • getDisplayName

        java.lang.String getDisplayName()
        Returns a human-consumable display name for this project.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the description of this project, if any.
        the description. May return null.
      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(@Nullable
                            java.lang.String description)
        Sets a description for this project.
        description - The description of the project. Might be null.
      • getGroup

        java.lang.Object getGroup()

        Returns the group of this project. Gradle always uses the toString() value of the group. The group defaults to the path with dots as separators.

        The group of this project. Never returns null.
      • setGroup

        void setGroup​(java.lang.Object group)

        Sets the group of this project.

        group - The group of this project. Must not be null.
      • getVersion

        java.lang.Object getVersion()

        Returns the version of this project. Gradle always uses the toString() value of the version. The version defaults to "unspecified".

        The version of this project. Never returns null.
      • setVersion

        void setVersion​(java.lang.Object version)

        Sets the version of this project.

        version - The version of this project. Must not be null.
      • getStatus

        java.lang.Object getStatus()

        Returns the status of this project. Gradle always uses the toString() value of the status. The status defaults to "release".

        The status of the project is only relevant, if you upload libraries together with a module descriptor. The status specified here, will be part of this module descriptor.

        The status of this project. Never returns null.
      • setStatus

        void setStatus​(java.lang.Object status)
        Sets the status of this project.
        status - The status. Must not be null.
      • getChildProjects

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Project> getChildProjects()

        Returns the direct children of this project.

        A map from child project name to child project. Returns an empty map if this project does not have any children.
      • setProperty

        void setProperty​(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object value)
                  throws MissingPropertyException

        Sets a property of this project. This method searches for a property with the given name in the following locations, and sets the property on the first location where it finds the property.

        1. The project object itself. For example, the rootDir project property.
        2. The project's Convention object. For example, the srcRootName java plugin property.
        3. The project's extra properties.
        If the property is not found, a MissingPropertyException is thrown.
        name - The name of the property
        value - The value of the property
      • getProject

        Project getProject()

        Returns this project. This method is useful in build files to explicitly access project properties and methods. For example, using can express your intent better than using name. This method also allows you to access project properties from a scope where the property may be hidden, such as, for example, from a method or closure.

        This project. Never returns null.
      • getIsolated

        IsolatedProject getIsolated()

        Returns an immutable view of this project, safe for use with isolated projects.

        This project as an IsolatedProject. Never returns null.
      • getAllprojects

        java.util.Set<Project> getAllprojects()

        Returns the set containing this project and its subprojects.

        The set of projects.
      • getSubprojects

        java.util.Set<Project> getSubprojects()

        Returns the set containing the subprojects of this project.

        The set of projects. Returns an empty set if this project has no subprojects.
      • task

        Task task​(java.lang.String name)
           throws InvalidUserDataException

        Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project. Calling this method is equivalent to calling task(java.util.Map, String) with an empty options map.

        After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can reference the task by name in your build file. See properties for more details

        If a task with the given name already exists in this project, an exception is thrown.

        name - The name of the task to be created
        The newly created task object
        InvalidUserDataException - If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
      • task

        Task task​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> args,
                  java.lang.String name)
           throws InvalidUserDataException

        Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project. A map of creation options can be passed to this method to control how the task is created. The following options are available:

        OptionDescriptionDefault Value
        "type"The class of the task to create.DefaultTask
        "overwrite"Replace an existing task?false
        "dependsOn"A task name or set of task names which this task depends on[]
        "action"A closure or Action to add to the task.null
        "description"A description of the task. null
        "group"A task group which this task belongs to. null

        After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can reference the task by name in your build file. See here for more details

        If a task with the given name already exists in this project and the override option is not set to true, an exception is thrown.

        args - The task creation options.
        name - The name of the task to be created
        The newly created task object
        InvalidUserDataException - If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
      • task

        Task task​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> args,
                  java.lang.String name,
                  Closure configureClosure)

        Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project. Before the task is returned, the given closure is executed to configure the task. A map of creation options can be passed to this method to control how the task is created. See task(java.util.Map, String) for the available options.

        After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can reference the task by name in your build file. See here for more details

        If a task with the given name already exists in this project and the override option is not set to true, an exception is thrown.

        args - The task creation options.
        name - The name of the task to be created
        configureClosure - The closure to use to configure the created task.
        The newly created task object
        InvalidUserDataException - If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
      • task

        Task task​(java.lang.String name,
                  Closure configureClosure)

        Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project. Before the task is returned, the given closure is executed to configure the task.

        After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can reference the task by name in your build file. See here for more details

        name - The name of the task to be created
        configureClosure - The closure to use to configure the created task.
        The newly created task object
        InvalidUserDataException - If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
      • task

        Task task​(java.lang.String name,
                  Action<? super Task> configureAction)

        Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project. Before the task is returned, the given action is executed to configure the task.

        After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can reference the task by name in your build file. See here for more details

        name - The name of the task to be created
        configureAction - The action to use to configure the created task.
        The newly created task object
        InvalidUserDataException - If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
        See Also:
        NamedDomainObjectContainer.create(String, Action)
      • getPath

        java.lang.String getPath()

        Returns the path of this project. The path is the fully qualified name of the project.

        The path. Never returns null.
      • getBuildTreePath

        java.lang.String getBuildTreePath()
        Returns a path to the project for the full build tree.
        The build tree path
      • getDefaultTasks

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDefaultTasks()

        Returns the names of the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when starting the build.

        The default task names. Returns an empty list if this project has no default tasks.
      • setDefaultTasks

        void setDefaultTasks​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> defaultTasks)

        Sets the names of the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when starting the build.

        defaultTasks - The default task names.
      • defaultTasks

        void defaultTasks​(java.lang.String... defaultTasks)

        Sets the names of the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when starting the build.

        defaultTasks - The default task names.
      • evaluationDependsOn

        Project evaluationDependsOn​(java.lang.String path)
                             throws UnknownProjectException

        Declares that this project has an evaluation dependency on the project with the given path.

        path - The path of the project which this project depends on.
        The project which this project depends on.
        UnknownProjectException - If no project with the given path exists.
      • evaluationDependsOnChildren

        void evaluationDependsOnChildren()

        Declares that this project has an evaluation dependency on each of its child projects.

      • findProject

        Project findProject​(java.lang.String path)

        Locates a project by path. If the path is relative, it is interpreted relative to this project.

        path - The path.
        The project with the given path. Returns null if no such project exists.
      • project

        Project project​(java.lang.String path)
                 throws UnknownProjectException

        Locates a project by path. If the path is relative, it is interpreted relative to this project.

        path - The path.
        The project with the given path. Never returns null.
        UnknownProjectException - If no project with the given path exists.
      • project

        Project project​(java.lang.String path,
                        Closure configureClosure)

        Locates a project by path and configures it using the given closure. If the path is relative, it is interpreted relative to this project. The target project is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.

        path - The path.
        configureClosure - The closure to use to configure the project.
        The project with the given path. Never returns null.
        UnknownProjectException - If no project with the given path exists.
      • project

        Project project​(java.lang.String path,
                        Action<? super Project> configureAction)

        Locates a project by path and configures it using the given action. If the path is relative, it is interpreted relative to this project.

        path - The path.
        configureAction - The action to use to configure the project.
        The project with the given path. Never returns null.
        UnknownProjectException - If no project with the given path exists.
      • getAllTasks

        java.util.Map<Project,​java.util.Set<Task>> getAllTasks​(boolean recursive)

        Returns a map of the tasks contained in this project, and optionally its subprojects.

        recursive - If true, returns the tasks of this project and its subprojects. If false, returns the tasks of just this project.
        A map from project to a set of tasks.
      • getTasksByName

        java.util.Set<Task> getTasksByName​(java.lang.String name,
                                           boolean recursive)

        Returns the set of tasks with the given name contained in this project, and optionally its subprojects. NOTE: This is an expensive operation since it requires all projects to be configured.

        name - The name of the task to locate.
        recursive - If true, returns the tasks of this project and its subprojects. If false, returns the tasks of just this project.
        The set of tasks. Returns an empty set if no such tasks exist in this project.
      • getProjectDir getProjectDir()

        The directory containing the project build file.

        The project directory. Never returns null.
      • file file​(java.lang.Object path)

        Resolves a file path relative to the project directory of this project. This method converts the supplied path based on its type:

        • A CharSequence, including String or GString. Interpreted relative to the project directory. A string that starts with file: is treated as a file URL.
        • A File. If the file is an absolute file, it is returned as is. Otherwise, the file's path is interpreted relative to the project directory.
        • A Path. The path must be associated with the default provider and is treated the same way as an instance of File.
        • A URI or URL. The URL's path is interpreted as the file path. Only file: URLs are supported.
        • A Directory or RegularFile.
        • A Provider of any supported type. The provider's value is resolved recursively.
        • A TextResource.
        • A Groovy Closure or Kotlin function that returns any supported type. The closure's return value is resolved recursively.
        • A Callable that returns any supported type. The callable's return value is resolved recursively.
        path - The object to resolve as a File.
        The resolved file. Never returns null.
      • file file​(java.lang.Object path,
                          PathValidation validation)
                   throws InvalidUserDataException

        Resolves a file path relative to the project directory of this project and validates it using the given scheme. See PathValidation for the list of possible validations.

        path - An object which toString method value is interpreted as a relative path to the project directory.
        validation - The validation to perform on the file.
        The resolved file. Never returns null.
        InvalidUserDataException - When the file does not meet the given validation constraint.
      • uri uri​(java.lang.Object path)

        Resolves a file path to a URI, relative to the project directory of this project. Evaluates the provided path object as described for file(Object), with the exception that any URI scheme is supported, not just 'file:' URIs.

        path - The object to resolve as a URI.
        The resolved URI. Never returns null.
      • relativePath

        java.lang.String relativePath​(java.lang.Object path)

        Returns the relative path from the project directory to the given path. The given path object is (logically) resolved as described for file(Object), from which a relative path is calculated.

        path - The path to convert to a relative path.
        The relative path. Never returns null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given path cannot be relativized against the project directory.
      • files

        ConfigurableFileCollection files​(java.lang.Object... paths)

        Returns a ConfigurableFileCollection containing the given files. You can pass any of the following types to this method:

        • A CharSequence, including String or GString. Interpreted relative to the project directory, as per file(Object). A string that starts with file: is treated as a file URL.
        • A File. Interpreted relative to the project directory, as per file(Object).
        • A Path, as per file(Object).
        • A URI or URL. The URL's path is interpreted as a file path. Only file: URLs are supported.
        • A Directory or RegularFile.
        • A Collection, Iterable, or an array that contains objects of any supported type. The elements of the collection are recursively converted to files.
        • A FileCollection. The contents of the collection are included in the returned collection.
        • A FileTree or DirectoryTree. The contents of the tree are included in the returned collection.
        • A Provider of any supported type. The provider's value is recursively converted to files. If the provider represents an output of a task, that task is executed if the file collection is used as an input to another task.
        • A Callable that returns any supported type. The return value of the call() method is recursively converted to files. A null return value is treated as an empty collection.
        • A Groovy Closure or Kotlin function that returns any of the types listed here. The return value of the closure is recursively converted to files. A null return value is treated as an empty collection.
        • A Task. Converted to the task's output files. The task is executed if the file collection is used as an input to another task.
        • A TaskOutputs. Converted to the output files the related task. The task is executed if the file collection is used as an input to another task.
        • Anything else is treated as an error.

        The returned file collection is lazy, so that the paths are evaluated only when the contents of the file collection are queried. The file collection is also live, so that it evaluates the above each time the contents of the collection is queried.

        The returned file collection maintains the iteration order of the supplied paths.

        The returned file collection maintains the details of the tasks that produce the files, so that these tasks are executed if this file collection is used as an input to some task.

        This method can also be used to create an empty collection, which can later be mutated to add elements.

        paths - The paths to the files. May be empty.
        The file collection. Never returns null.
      • files

        ConfigurableFileCollection files​(java.lang.Object paths,
                                         Closure configureClosure)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileCollection using the given paths. The paths are evaluated as per files(Object...). The file collection is configured using the given closure. The file collection is passed to the closure as its delegate. Example:

         files "$buildDir/classes" {
             builtBy 'compile'

        The returned file collection is lazy, so that the paths are evaluated only when the contents of the file collection are queried. The file collection is also live, so that it evaluates the above each time the contents of the collection is queried.

        paths - The contents of the file collection. Evaluated as per files(Object...).
        configureClosure - The closure to use to configure the file collection.
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • files

        ConfigurableFileCollection files​(java.lang.Object paths,
                                         Action<? super ConfigurableFileCollection> configureAction)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileCollection using the given paths. The paths are evaluated as per files(Object...). The file collection is configured using the given action. Example:

         files "$buildDir/classes" {
             builtBy 'compile'

        The returned file collection is lazy, so that the paths are evaluated only when the contents of the file collection are queried. The file collection is also live, so that it evaluates the above each time the contents of the collection is queried.

        paths - The contents of the file collection. Evaluated as per files(Object...).
        configureAction - The action to use to configure the file collection.
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated as per file(Object).

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

         def myTree = fileTree("src")
         myTree.include "**/*.java"
         myTree.builtBy "someTask"
         task copy(type: Copy) {
            from myTree

        The order of the files in a FileTree is not stable, even on a single computer.

        baseDir - The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        the file tree. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir,
                                      Closure configureClosure)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated as per file(Object). The closure will be used to configure the new file tree. The file tree is passed to the closure as its delegate. Example:

         def myTree = fileTree('src') {
            exclude '**/.data/**'
            builtBy 'someTask'
         task copy(type: Copy) {
            from myTree

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        The order of the files in a FileTree is not stable, even on a single computer.

        baseDir - The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        configureClosure - Closure to configure the ConfigurableFileTree object.
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir,
                                      Action<? super ConfigurableFileTree> configureAction)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated as per file(Object). The action will be used to configure the new file tree. Example:

         def myTree = fileTree('src') {
            exclude '**/.data/**'
            builtBy 'someTask'
         task copy(type: Copy) {
            from myTree

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        The order of the files in a FileTree is not stable, even on a single computer.

        baseDir - The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        configureAction - Action to configure the ConfigurableFileTree object.
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> args)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the provided map of arguments. The map will be applied as properties on the new file tree. Example:

         def myTree = fileTree(dir:'src', excludes:['**/ignore/**', '**/.data/**'])
         task copy(type: Copy) {
             from myTree

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        The order of the files in a FileTree is not stable, even on a single computer.

        args - map of property assignments to ConfigurableFileTree object
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • zipTree

        FileTree zipTree​(java.lang.Object zipPath)

        Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given ZIP file. The given zipPath path is evaluated as per file(Object). You can combine this method with the copy(Action) method to unzip a ZIP file.

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        zipPath - The ZIP file. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        the file tree. Never returns null.
      • tarTree

        FileTree tarTree​(java.lang.Object tarPath)
        Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file. The given tarPath path can be: The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        Unless custom implementation of resources is passed, the tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension.

        You can combine this method with the copy(Action) method to untar a TAR file:

         task untar(type: Copy) {
           from tarTree('someCompressedTar.gzip')
           //tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension
           //however if you must specify the compression explicitly you can:
           from tarTree(resources.gzip('someTar.ext'))
           //in case you work with unconventionally compressed tars
           //you can provide your own implementation of a ReadableResource:
           //from tarTree(yourOwnResource as ReadableResource)
           into 'dest'
        tarPath - The TAR file or an instance of Resource.
        the file tree. Never returns null.
      • provider

        <T> Provider<T> provider​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends @Nullable T> value)
        Creates a Provider implementation based on the provided value.

        The provider is live and will call the Callable each time its value is queried. The Callable may return null, in which case the provider is considered to have no value.

        value - The Callable use to calculate the value.
        The provider. Never returns null.
        See Also:
      • getProviders

        ProviderFactory getProviders()
        Provides access to methods to create various kinds of Provider instances.
      • getObjects

        ObjectFactory getObjects()
        Provides access to methods to create various kinds of model objects.
      • getLayout

        ProjectLayout getLayout()
        Provides access to various important directories for this project.
      • mkdir mkdir​(java.lang.Object path)
        Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
        path - The path for the directory to be created. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        the created directory
        InvalidUserDataException - If the path points to an existing file.
      • delete

        boolean delete​(java.lang.Object... paths)
        Deletes files and directories.

        This will not follow symlinks. If you need to follow symlinks too use delete(Action).

        paths - Any type of object accepted by files(Object...)
        true if anything got deleted, false otherwise
      • delete

        WorkResult delete​(Action<? super DeleteSpec> action)
        Deletes the specified files. The given action is used to configure a DeleteSpec, which is then used to delete the files.


         project.delete {
             delete 'somefile'
             followSymlinks = true
        action - Action to configure the DeleteSpec
        WorkResult that can be used to check if delete did any work.
      • javaexec

        ExecResult javaexec​(Action<? super JavaExecSpec> action)
        Executes an external Java process.

        The given action configures a JavaExecSpec, which is used to launch the process. This method blocks until the process terminates, with its result being returned.

        action - The action for configuring the execution.
        the result of the execution
      • exec

        ExecResult exec​(Action<? super ExecSpec> action)
        Executes an external command.

        The given action configures a ExecSpec, which is used to launch the process. This method blocks until the process terminates, with its result being returned.

        action - The action for configuring the execution.
        the result of the execution
      • absoluteProjectPath

        java.lang.String absoluteProjectPath​(java.lang.String path)

        Converts a name to an absolute project path, resolving names relative to this project.

        path - The path to convert.
        The absolute path.
      • relativeProjectPath

        java.lang.String relativeProjectPath​(java.lang.String path)

        Converts a name to a project path relative to this project.

        path - The path to convert.
        The relative path.
      • getAnt

        AntBuilder getAnt()

        Returns the AntBuilder for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute ant tasks. See example below.

         task printChecksum {
           doLast {
             ant {
               //using ant checksum task to store the file checksum in the checksumOut ant property
               checksum(property: 'checksumOut', file: 'someFile.txt')
               //we can refer to the ant property created by checksum task:
               println "The checksum is: " + checksumOut
             //we can refer to the ant property later as well:
             println "I just love to print checksums: " + ant.checksumOut
        Consider following example of ant target:
         <target name='printChecksum'>
           <checksum property='checksumOut'>
             <fileset dir='.'>
               <include name='agile.txt'/>
           <echo>The checksum is: ${checksumOut}</echo>
        Here's how it would look like in gradle. Observe how the ant XML is represented in groovy by the ant builder
         task printChecksum {
           doLast {
             ant {
               checksum(property: 'checksumOut') {
                 fileset(dir: '.') {
                   include name: 'agile1.txt'
             logger.lifecycle("The checksum is $ant.checksumOut")
        The AntBuilder for this project. Never returns null.
      • createAntBuilder

        AntBuilder createAntBuilder()

        Creates an additional AntBuilder for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute ant tasks.

        Creates an AntBuilder for this project. Never returns null.
        See Also:
      • ant

        AntBuilder ant​(@DelegatesTo(AntBuilder.class)
                       Closure configureClosure)

        Executes the given closure against the AntBuilder for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute ant tasks. The AntBuild is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate. See example in javadoc for getAnt()

        configureClosure - The closure to execute against the AntBuilder.
        The AntBuilder. Never returns null.
      • ant

        AntBuilder ant​(Action<? super AntBuilder> configureAction)

        Executes the given action against the AntBuilder for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute ant tasks. See example in javadoc for getAnt()

        configureAction - The action to execute against the AntBuilder.
        The AntBuilder. Never returns null.
      • configurations

        void configurations​(Closure configureClosure)

        Configures the dependency configurations for this project.

        This method executes the given closure against the ConfigurationContainer for this project. The ConfigurationContainer is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.


        See docs for ConfigurationContainer
        configureClosure - the closure to use to configure the dependency configurations.
      • getArtifacts

        ArtifactHandler getArtifacts()
        Returns a handler for assigning artifacts produced by the project to configurations.


        See docs for ArtifactHandler
      • artifacts

        void artifacts​(@DelegatesTo(ArtifactHandler.class)
                       Closure configureClosure)

        Configures the published artifacts for this project.

        This method executes the given closure against the ArtifactHandler for this project. The ArtifactHandler is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.


         configurations {
           //declaring new configuration that will be used to associate with artifacts
         task schemaJar(type: Jar) {
           //some imaginary task that creates a jar artifact with the schema
         //associating the task that produces the artifact with the configuration
         artifacts {
           //configuration name and the task:
           schema schemaJar
        configureClosure - the closure to use to configure the published artifacts.
      • artifacts

        void artifacts​(Action<? super ArtifactHandler> configureAction)

        Configures the published artifacts for this project.

        This method executes the given action against the ArtifactHandler for this project.


         configurations {
           //declaring new configuration that will be used to associate with artifacts
         task schemaJar(type: Jar) {
           //some imaginary task that creates a jar artifact with the schema
         //associating the task that produces the artifact with the configuration
         artifacts {
           //configuration name and the task:
           schema schemaJar
        configureAction - the action to use to configure the published artifacts.
      • getConvention

        Convention getConvention()
        The concept of conventions is deprecated. Use extensions if possible.

        Returns the Convention for this project.

        You can access this property in your build file using convention. You can also access the properties and methods of the convention object as if they were properties and methods of this project. See here for more details

        The Convention. Never returns null.
        See Also:
      • depthCompare

        int depthCompare​(Project otherProject)

        Compares the nesting level of this project with another project of the multi-project hierarchy.

        otherProject - The project to compare the nesting level with.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this project has a nesting level less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
        See Also:
      • getDepth

        int getDepth()

        Returns the nesting level of a project in a multi-project hierarchy. For single project builds this is always 0. In a multi-project hierarchy 0 is returned for the root project.

      • getTasks

        TaskContainer getTasks()

        Returns the tasks of this project.

        the tasks of this project.
      • subprojects

        void subprojects​(Action<? super Project> action)

        Configures the sub-projects of this project

        This method executes the given Action against the sub-projects of this project.

        action - The action to execute.
      • subprojects

        void subprojects​(@DelegatesTo(Project.class)
                         Closure configureClosure)

        Configures the sub-projects of this project.

        This method executes the given closure against each of the sub-projects of this project. The target Project is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.

        configureClosure - The closure to execute.
      • allprojects

        void allprojects​(Action<? super Project> action)

        Configures this project and each of its sub-projects.

        This method executes the given Action against this project and each of its sub-projects.

        action - The action to execute.
      • allprojects

        void allprojects​(@DelegatesTo(Project.class)
                         Closure configureClosure)

        Configures this project and each of its sub-projects.

        This method executes the given closure against this project and its sub-projects. The target Project is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.

        configureClosure - The closure to execute.
      • beforeEvaluate

        void beforeEvaluate​(Action<? super Project> action)

        Adds an action to call immediately before this project is evaluated.

        Passes the project to the action as a parameter. Actions passed to this method execute in the same order they were passed.

        If the project has already been evaluated, the action never executes.

        If you call this method within a beforeEvaluate action, the passed action never executes.

        action - the action to execute.
      • afterEvaluate

        void afterEvaluate​(Action<? super Project> action)

        Adds an action to call immediately after this project is evaluated.

        Passes the project to the action as a parameter. Actions passed to this method execute in the same order they were passed. A parent project may add an action to its child projects to further configure those projects based on their state after their build files run.

        If the project has already been evaluated, this method fails.

        If you call this method within an afterEvaluate action, the passed action executes after all previously added afterEvaluate actions finish executing.

        action - the action to execute.
      • beforeEvaluate

        void beforeEvaluate​(Closure closure)

        Adds a closure to call immediately before this project is evaluated.

        closure - The closure to call.
        See Also:
      • hasProperty

        boolean hasProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)

        Determines if this project has the given property. See here for details of the properties which are available for a project.

        propertyName - The name of the property to locate.
        True if this project has the given property, false otherwise.
      • getProperties

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> getProperties()

        Returns the properties of this project. See here for details of the properties which are available for a project.

        A map from property name to value.
      • property

        java.lang.Object property​(java.lang.String propertyName)
                           throws MissingPropertyException

        Returns the value of the given property. This method locates a property as follows:

        1. If this project object has a property with the given name, return the value of the property.
        2. If this project has an extension with the given name, return the extension.
        3. If this project's convention object has a property with the given name, return the value of the property.
        4. If this project has an extra property with the given name, return the value of the property.
        5. If this project has a task with the given name, return the task.
        6. Search up through this project's ancestor projects for a convention property or extra property with the given name.
        7. If not found, a MissingPropertyException is thrown.
        propertyName - The name of the property.
        The value of the property, possibly null.
        MissingPropertyException - When the given property is unknown.
        See Also:
      • findProperty

        java.lang.Object findProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)

        Returns the value of the given property or null if not found. This method locates a property as follows:

        1. If this project object has a property with the given name, return the value of the property.
        2. If this project has an extension with the given name, return the extension.
        3. If this project's convention object has a property with the given name, return the value of the property.
        4. If this project has an extra property with the given name, return the value of the property.
        5. If this project has a task with the given name, return the task.
        6. Search up through this project's ancestor projects for a convention property or extra property with the given name.
        7. If not found, null value is returned.
        propertyName - The name of the property.
        The value of the property, possibly null or null if not found.
        See Also:
      • getLogger

        Logger getLogger()

        Returns the logger for this project. You can use this in your build file to write log messages.

        The logger. Never returns null.
      • getGradle

        Gradle getGradle()

        Returns the Gradle invocation which this project belongs to.

        The Gradle object. Never returns null.
      • getLogging

        LoggingManager getLogging()
        Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to receive logging and to control the standard output/error capture for this project's build script. By default, System.out is redirected to the Gradle logging system at the QUIET log level, and System.err is redirected at the ERROR log level.
        the LoggingManager. Never returns null.
      • configure

        java.lang.Object configure​(java.lang.Object object,
                                   Closure configureClosure)

        Configures an object via a closure, with the closure's delegate set to the supplied object. This way you don't have to specify the context of a configuration statement multiple times.

        Instead of:

         MyType myType = new MyType()

        you can do:

         MyType myType = configure(new MyType()) {

        The object being configured is also passed to the closure as a parameter, so you can access it explicitly if required:

         configure(someObj) { obj -> obj.doThis() }
        object - The object to configure
        configureClosure - The closure with configure statements
        The configured object
      • configure

        java.lang.Iterable<?> configure​(java.lang.Iterable<?> objects,
                                        Closure configureClosure)
        Configures a collection of objects via a closure. This is equivalent to calling configure(Object, groovy.lang.Closure) for each of the given objects.
        objects - The objects to configure
        configureClosure - The closure with configure statements
        The configured objects.
      • configure

        <T> java.lang.Iterable<T> configure​(java.lang.Iterable<T> objects,
                                            Action<? super T> configureAction)
        Configures a collection of objects via an action.
        objects - The objects to configure
        configureAction - The action to apply to each object
        The configured objects.
      • getRepositories

        RepositoryHandler getRepositories()
        Returns a handler to create repositories which are used for retrieving dependencies and uploading artifacts produced by the project.
        the repository handler. Never returns null.
      • repositories

        void repositories​(Closure configureClosure)

        Configures the repositories for this project.

        This method executes the given closure against the RepositoryHandler for this project. The RepositoryHandler is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.

        configureClosure - the closure to use to configure the repositories.
      • getDependencies

        DependencyHandler getDependencies()
        Returns the dependency handler of this project. The returned dependency handler instance can be used for adding new dependencies. For accessing already declared dependencies, the configurations can be used.


        See docs for DependencyHandler
        the dependency handler. Never returns null.
        See Also:
      • dependencies

        void dependencies​(Closure configureClosure)

        Configures the dependencies for this project.

        This method executes the given closure against the DependencyHandler for this project. The DependencyHandler is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.


        See docs for DependencyHandler
        configureClosure - the closure to use to configure the dependencies.
      • getDependencyFactory

        DependencyFactory getDependencyFactory()
        Provides access to methods to create various kinds of Dependency instances.
        the dependency factory. Never returns null.
      • getBuildscript

        ScriptHandler getBuildscript()
        Returns the build script handler for this project. You can use this handler to query details about the build script for this project, and manage the classpath used to compile and execute the project's build script.
        the classpath handler. Never returns null.
      • buildscript

        void buildscript​(Closure configureClosure)

        Configures the build script classpath for this project.

        The given closure is executed against this project's ScriptHandler. The ScriptHandler is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.

        configureClosure - the closure to use to configure the build script classpath.
      • copy

        WorkResult copy​(@DelegatesTo(CopySpec.class)
                        Closure closure)
        Copies the specified files. The given closure is used to configure a CopySpec, which is then used to copy the files. Example:
         copy {
            from configurations.runtimeClasspath
            into 'build/deploy/lib'
        Note that CopySpecs can be nested:
         copy {
            into 'build/webroot'
            exclude '**/.svn/**'
            from('src/main/webapp') {
               include '**/*.jsp'
               filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens:[copyright:'2009', version:'2.3.1'])
            from('src/main/js') {
               include '**/*.js'
        closure - Closure to configure the CopySpec
        WorkResult that can be used to check if the copy did any work.
      • copy

        WorkResult copy​(Action<? super CopySpec> action)
        Copies the specified files. The given action is used to configure a CopySpec, which is then used to copy the files.
        action - Action to configure the CopySpec
        WorkResult that can be used to check if the copy did any work.
        See Also:
      • copySpec

        CopySpec copySpec​(@DelegatesTo(CopySpec.class)
                          Closure closure)
        Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive. The given closure is used to configure the CopySpec before it is returned by this method.
         def baseSpec = copySpec {
            from "source"
            include "**/*.java"
         task copy(type: Copy) {
            into "target"
            with baseSpec
        closure - Closure to configure the CopySpec
        The CopySpec
      • copySpec

        CopySpec copySpec​(Action<? super CopySpec> action)
        Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive. The given action is used to configure the CopySpec before it is returned by this method.
        action - Action to configure the CopySpec
        The CopySpec
        See Also:
      • copySpec

        CopySpec copySpec()
        Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
        a newly created copy spec
      • sync

        WorkResult sync​(Action<? super SyncSpec> action)
        Synchronizes the contents of a destination directory with some source directories and files. The given action is used to configure a SyncSpec, which is then used to synchronize the files.

        This method is like the copy(Action) task, except the destination directory will only contain the files copied. All files that exist in the destination directory will be deleted before copying files, unless a preserve option is specified.


         project.sync {
            from 'my/shared/dependencyDir'
            into 'build/deps/compile'
        Note that you can preserve output that already exists in the destination directory:
         project.sync {
             from 'source'
             into 'dest'
             preserve {
                 include 'extraDir/**'
                 include 'dir1/**'
                 exclude 'dir1/extra.txt'
        action - Action to configure the SyncSpec.
        WorkResult that can be used to check if the sync did any work.
      • getState

        ProjectState getState()
        Returns the evaluation state of this project. You can use this to access information about the evaluation of this project, such as whether it has failed.
        the project state. Never returns null.
      • container

        <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> container​(java.lang.Class<T> type)

        Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type. The specified type must have a public constructor which takes the name as a String parameter.

        All objects MUST expose their name as a bean property named "name". The name must be constant for the life of the object.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of objects for the container to contain.
        type - The type of objects for the container to contain.
        The container.
      • container

        <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> container​(java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                                    NamedDomainObjectFactory<T> factory)

        Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type. The given factory is used to create object instances.

        All objects MUST expose their name as a bean property named "name". The name must be constant for the life of the object.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of objects for the container to contain.
        type - The type of objects for the container to contain.
        factory - The factory to use to create object instances.
        The container.
      • container

        <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> container​(java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                                    Closure factoryClosure)

        Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type. The given closure is used to create object instances. The name of the instance to be created is passed as a parameter to the closure.

        All objects MUST expose their name as a bean property named "name". The name must be constant for the life of the object.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of objects for the container to contain.
        type - The type of objects for the container to contain.
        factoryClosure - The closure to use to create object instances.
        The container.
      • getExtensions

        ExtensionContainer getExtensions()
        Allows adding DSL extensions to the project. Useful for plugin authors.
        Specified by:
        getExtensions in interface ExtensionAware
        Returned instance allows adding DSL extensions to the project
      • getResources

        ResourceHandler getResources()
        Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
        Returned instance contains various resource-specific utility methods.
      • getComponents

        SoftwareComponentContainer getComponents()
        Returns the software components produced by this project.
        The components for this project.
      • components

        void components​(Action<? super SoftwareComponentContainer> configuration)
        Configures software components.
        configuration - Action to configure the software components.
      • getNormalization

        InputNormalizationHandler getNormalization()
        Provides access to configuring input normalization.
      • getDependencyLocking

        DependencyLockingHandler getDependencyLocking()
        Provides access to configuring dependency locking