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Ma11achy (talk | contribs)
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Hey, if you ever feel the need to commiserate with other refugees from conservapedia we have set up a little space on the internet so we can share in our common frustration. Most of the more intelligent and rational editors have come on by, if no one has passed the link on to you I would love it if you would come by and offer your perspective. There are several active editors that don't really want to be "outed" yet so I avoid posting the link to pubicly accessible spots because a few of the SYSOPS have shown a propensity for trolling user pages on wikipedia looking for dirt. E-mail me at and I will pass the link on directly. [[User:Tmtoulouse|Tmtoulouse]] 17:19, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
: I have exactly the same thing to say. Commiserations on being overcome by the sheer wave of bigotry that is that site. It's lonely there now. [[User:Wikinterpreter|Wikinterpreter]]