Split (2016 American film)

2017 film directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Split is a 2016 American psychological horror thriller film in the superhero genre, written, produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Betty Buckley. The film follows a man with 23 different personalities who kidnaps and imprisons three teenage girls in an isolated underground facility. The film is a standalone sequel to the 2000 film Unbreakable, and is the second installment in the Unbreakable trilogy. The film was not marketed as a sequel, instead saving the revelation for a scene featuring Bruce Willis reprising his Unbreakable role in an uncredited cameo. The final part of the trilogy Glass (2019), combined the casts and characters of both previous films.

Holy shit, this is so cool! They are gonna believe we exist now, right?

Dr. Fletcher

  • An individual with multiple personalities can change their body chemistry with their thoughts.
  • The authors of Hooters play on our incessant need for fat and man's incessant need to be in the proximity of augmented breasts. It's like Henry V ran a fast food franchise!
  • An individual with multiple personalities can change their body chemistry with their thoughts.
  • There must be limits to what a human being can become.
  • I've never seen a case like this before. Twenty three identities live in Kevin's body.

Casey Cooke

  • Everything is so easy for you guys. You do one thing, you can predict the next thing. It's not the way it's gonna be in this situation.
  • I'll let you know when I hear something that makes sense.

Kevin Wendell Crumb

The Horde keeps obsessing about the ones who haven't suffered. I don't know where they're going with this, but it scares me.
  • The Horde keeps obsessing about the ones who haven't suffered. I don't know where they're going with this, but it scares me.


  • The Beast is a sentient creature who represents the highest form of humans' evolution. He believes the time of ordinary humanity is over. I hope this makes you feel calm. You will be in the presence of something greater. I was gonna ask for your last shirt, but I won't. Because tonight is a sacred night. It's almost over.
  • You like to make fun of us, but we are more powerful than you think.
  • The broken are more evolved.
  • Let us show them what we can do. Let us show them how powerful we can be.


  • Are you trying to trick me? Et cetera? I'll tell on you!

The Beast

  • We are glorious! We will no longer be afraid. Only through pain can you achieve your greatness! The impure are the untouched, the unburned, the unslain. Those who have not been torn have no value in themselves and no place in this world! They are asleep!
  • You are different from the rest. Your heart is pure! Rejoice! The broken are the more evolved. Rejoice.


  • Don't worry; he's not allowed to touch you. He knows what you're here for. He listens to me.
  • "In the sun we will find our passion. In the sun, we will find our purpose." I read that in a sympathy card in a supermarket. It was for a funeral, but I thought it was beautiful.

Casey Cooke

  • [After Hedwig left] He said something. He said something about making the room safe. This is all new drywall. What was unsafe?
  • [Muttering to herself] We're not gonna die. Bad things happen. But not like this.
  • [To Marcia, as Dennis is taking her from the cell] Pee on yourself!
  • [As the other two captives come up only with bad strategy] I'll let you know when I hear something that makes sense. We don't even know what this is yet.


Casey's Father: [Teaching his daughter how to hunt] Females are smarter than the males. But you know that, it's like humans. Females use their nose to stay alive. They make sure they have cover. They always remember they're trying to stay alive. Bucks go off by themselves. Bucks get dumb during mating season.
Five-Year-Old Casey: Boys make too much noise.

Hedwig: [After awkwardly kissing Casey, sits there staring into her eyes] You might be pregnant now. Am I a good kisser?
Casey Cooke: [Nods patiently] Yes.
Hedwig: I like dancing. You like dancing? I - I - I like dancing to my CD-player in my room. Kanye West is my main man. I - I've got my CD-player set up in my room right - right - right next to my window. I'm like... [imitates dancing to the beat] Mm. Mm. Mm. "You've got the moves..."

The Beast: We are what we believe we are.
Hedwig: Holy shit, this is so cool! They are gonna believe we exist now, right?
Dennis: They are gonna have to.
Hedwig: So, what do we do now?
Patricia: [Referring to The Beast] We trust in him. He'll protect us. Look at what he can do. Let him show the world how powerful we can be.

Dr. Fletcher: They are what they believe they are. The brain has learned to defend itself.
Academic colleague: You are treating them like they are supernaturally gifted, like they have powers or something. Karen, these are these are patients, they have been through trauma.
Dr. Fletcher: And perhaps now they are capable of something we're not. We have brain scans now. DID patients have changed their body chemistry with their thoughts.

The Beast: We are what we believe we are.
Hedwig: Holy shit, this is so cool! They are gonna believe we exist now, right?
Dennis: They are gonna have to.
Hedwig: So, what do we do now?
Patricia: [Referring to the Beast] We trust in him. He'll protect us. Look at what he can do. Let him show the world how powerful we can be.

Hedwig: My name's Hedwig. I have red socks. He's on the move.
Casey Cooke: What?
Hedwig: He... on... the... mooove.
Casey Cooke: Who?
Hedwig: Someone's coming for you, and you're not gonna like it. You guys make noises in your sleep.
Casey Cooke: Tell us.
Hedwig: I'm not supposed to say; but, he's done awful things to people and he'll do awful things to you. I have blue socks, too.
Marcia: We're his food? [Hedwig shrugs]
Casey Cooke: How old are you?
Hedwig: Nine.
Casey Cooke: So you're not the guy that took us?
Hedwig: [Scoffs] No.
Casey Cooke: You're... not the lady?
Hedwig: What are you, blind?
Casey Cooke: You don't know how they think?
Hedwig: N-no, they don't... they don't tell me much. I just ate a hot dog.

Claire Benoit: [About Casey standing over in the corner] That's what happens when you do a mercy invite.
Mr. Benoit: I believed you wanted to invite everyone.
Claire Benoit: Dad, I can't invite everyone in my art class except for one person without social networking evidence inflicting more pain on that person than was intended. And I'm not a monster.
Mr. Benoit: I'm proud of you. I think.
Claire Benoit: She gets detention a lot and she yells at teachers sometimes. There was that rumor that went around that she just kept running away from home.
Marcia: Um, maybe she can Uber.
Claire Benoit: I seriously believe that we can go home now.
Mr. Benoit: Um, did I mistakenly convey this was a democracy? We are not going 'til she gets picked up.
Casey Cooke: [Walks over to them] Uh, the car broke down. I'm just gonna take the bus.
Mr. Benoit: You're not taking a bus. I'll drive you home. Claire has almost saved her half of the money she needs for a car. Isn't that right? This'll be one of the few times left I can drive you guys around. Huh?
Casey Cooke: Uh, I...
Claire Benoit: You won't be able to hear my dad tell jokes that only he thinks are funny for an entire car ride unless you come. You don't really wanna miss that.

Claire Benoit: I took six months of Kenpo karate class. And you distract the assailant with pain.
Casey Cooke: Everything is so easy for you guys. You do one thing, you can predict the next thing. It's not the way it's gonna be in this situation.

Dennis: [To the three captives] Patricia has reminded me that... I was sent to you for a reason. That... you are sacred food. And I promise not to bother you again. [Shuts door as he leaves]
Marcia: Maybe he has a dog or something. You think he's gonna feed us to his dogs?

Dr. Fletcher: Jai, what health-conscious fast food purveyor did you originally solicit to buy these chicken wings you've so lovingly reheated in a minor suicidal gesture?
Jai: Hooters.

Dr. Fletcher: They are what they believe they are. The brain has learned to defend itself.

Academic Moderator: You are treating them like they are supernaturals, like they have powers. Karen, we are these are patiensts, they have been through trauma.

Dr. Fletcher: and perhaps now they are capable of something we are not. We have brain scans now. DID patients have changed their body chemistry with their thoughts.

Marcia: [As Claire struggles with door] It doesn't matter if you open that door, Claire. There's a second locked door.
Claire Benoit: He's gonna come in here again any second now, and we're not gonna let him take one of us out again. We just screamed and didn't hurt him, because we were afraid he'd get upset. God, that's victim shit! [With her hands in her hair] Jesus! We should fight him! We should drop a crazy-ass bomb on him!
Casey Cooke: [Quietly] I saw him carry one of you in here and lay you on the bed like you weighed nothing. One punch from him would knock one of us out.
Claire Benoit: I took... I took six months of Kenpo karate class. And you distract the assailant with pain.
Casey Cooke: Everything is so easy for you guys. You do one thing, you can predict the next thing. [Shakes her head] It's not the way it's gonna be in this situation.
Claire Benoit: We're not getting out of here! You're saying you're not gonna fight with everything in you? You know, the only chance... the only chance we have is if all three of us go crazy on this guy. We have to hurry!
Marcia: We need you, Casey. Claire's smart. Let's listen to her. I'll do it, but you're gonna do it too. We can win.
Casey Cooke: He'll hurt us. No, shut up. Both of you.
Claire Benoit: [To Casey] You're gonna pick your miserable self up and help us get out of here.
Casey Cooke: Blow me. And your six months of karate at the King of Prussia mall can blow me too.
Claire Benoit: No. No, you can't, can't do this today. You can't do this right now. Why do you do this? Why do you act like this? Why do you act like you're not one of us?

Hedwig: Dennis and Miss Patricia, they believe in the Beast, and what he can do.
Casey Cooke: [Trembling voice] Have you... seen him? The... Beast?

Claire Benoit: He's just trying to scare us.
Marcia: But he was having a full conversation with himself. What was that line about? "The food is waiting."
Casey Cooke: Does anybody get how whacked this is? And we need to get out of here now!

Claire Benoit: [Peeping into next room, alerting Marcia in cell compartment across dingy corridor] There's a lady. Someone's here! We need to get out of these rooms! Is there anything in your room? Anything we could use? [Scrambles to find something on empty shelves] There's nothing in here!
Marcia: [Desperately searching] There's a hanger!

Diner Patron: [After listening to news reports of "the Horde"] This is like that crazy guy in the wheelchair that they put away 15 years ago. And they gave him a funny name, too. What was it?
David Dunn: Mr. Glass.

See also

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