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User:Virtualiter/Arthur Daniel und Frieda Dieseldorff

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Arthur Daniel Dieseldorff (* 20 June 1866 in Hamburg; + 1928 in Wiesbaden) was a Hamburg merchant, wood turner, geologist and paleontologist. Frieda, née Sternberg was his second wife.



Arthur Daniel Dieseldorff was the older brother of Erwin Paul Dieseldorff.

He received his first lessons at the Johanneum in his hometown, then at the Gymnasium in Ratzeburg, where he was transferred to the upper secondary school in 1882.

In accordance with the instructions of his father Johan Peter Daniel Dieseldorff, he began his commercial apprenticeship in London, fulfilled his service obligation from 1885 to 1884 and then worked in his father's business in Hamburg and with his brothers in Central America until 1891[1]. In the latter year he moved to Johannesburg in the South African Republic, where he soon devoted himself entirely to mining and metallurgy - learning the latter from scratch and ultimately holding positions as a metallurgical and mine foreman.

In 1895 he returned to Germany and in 1896 visited Australia and New Zealand in mining and financial activities. When he returned from there, he attended the Royal Saxon Mining Academy in Freiberg from 1897 to 1898 and then the University of Freiburg in Baden for two semesters each from 1898 to 1899. He was enrolled in Marburg for a further 4 semesters, where he passed the examen rigorosum on July 3, 1901 with his doctoral thesis Contributions to the knowledge of the rocks and fossils of the Chatham Islands as well as some rocks and new nephrite sites in New Zealand[2].
His teachers were:

  • In Freiberg i. Saxony: Beck, Kolbeck, Treptow, Uhlich, Weisbach, Winkler.
  • In Freiburg i. Baden: Autenrieth, G. Böhm, Himstedt, Graeff, Kilian, Neumann, Steinmann, Weissmann.
  • In Marburg: M. Bauer, v. Below, Cohen, v. Drach, Kayser, Kohl, v. d. Ropp, Schenck, Schröder, Zincke.

In 1905 he worked as a wood turner.[3]



His first marriage was Frieda Marie-Minna Schäfer (1880–1951). From this first marriage he had the children Hermann-Ludwig (* 1902), Fritz-Arthur (* 1903) and Karl-Otto (* 1906). "Arthur and his children were Protestant and so-called Aryans."

At the beginning of the 1920s he married Frieda Sternberg (November 12, 1882 in Elmshorn), the third daughter of Adolf and Mary Sternberg. Her older sister Else (1882–) died at the age of 13 and was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Elmshorn in May 1895.
The couple lived in Wiesbaden and had two more children: Werner (1919) and Rudolf (Rudi; 1922–2020; oo Aída Galarreta Reyes[4][5]).

After Arthur's death in 1928, Frieda moved with Rudolf to Elmshorn (Schulstraße 49), where Rudi attended the Bismack School from 1931 to 1937. In 1930, Frieda advertised herself by selling paper, leather goods and linen. She later moved to her mother Mary at Rothenbaumchaussee 217, Hamburg. When she encountered obstacles in her attempt to get Rudolf a job or to place him in a technical school, she turned to her Aryan relatives in Peru (or Guatemala) and Germany. Her brother-in-law Erwin Paul Dieseldorff (+ 1940) contacted her stepson Hermann and his colleague (and son-in-law) Hans Quinckhardt - both NSDAP members. Neither of them wanted anything to do with Frieda. Hermann wrote that he did not want his party members to find out that he had a Jewish stepmother. In her last letter to Peru on March 22, 1940, she asked for help in escaping to South America. After 1938, she managed the household of Albert Hirsch. After his suicide in December 1941, she closed her business and moved to Hamburg. Nobody could have guessed that she would be picked up from there on July 11, 1942 and taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau. [6] Frieda was the only victim of the Dieseldorff family during the Nazi era.

Rudolf was unable to gain a foothold in Germany and traveled to Peru in July 1939. From 1958 onwards, with the help of his friend Jean Baptiste August Kessler III, a grandson of the founder of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. of the same name, he built the first major Christian Evangelical Church in Peru in Lima, followed by two retirement homes.[7]


  1. ^ On December 16th he received a "concession as special agent of the emigration company and representative of the North German Lloyd in Bremen, merchant Friedrich Mattfeld in Berlin to arrange crossing contracts with emigrants for Hirschberg and the surrounding area". This expired in April 1890. Amts-Blatt der Preußischen Regierung zu Liegnitz: 1890; p. 122
  2. ^ Vita in Diss. p. 60: https://archive.org/details/beitrgezurkenn00dies/page/n59/mode/2up
  3. ^ Hamburgisches Staatshandbuch; 1905; p. 30
  4. ^ Aida at: Department of Nutrition, Ministry of Public Health, Lima, Peru; Foreign Operations Administration, Institute of Inter-American Affairs, Division of Health and Sanitation, Lima, Peru; and the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
  5. ^ https://de.findagrave.com/memorial/253914554/luisa-aída-galarreta_reyes_de_dieseldorff
  6. ^ Harald Kirschninck: What can the graves tell us?: Biographies and stories; pp. 273–275 (Online)
  7. ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20231202133800/https://dieseldorff.com/