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Samaire Armstrong

From Wikiquote

Samaire Rhys Armstrong (October 31, 1980–) is a Japanese-born American actress and fashion designer.


  • I like dark comedies, and I don’t personally care for slapstick. It is fun to film, but I like something that’s more realistic in the humor, and then have a hint of seriousness to it. There’s still human nature regards to what’s right and wrong, and that’s what makes it funny, versus someone falling, for example. But even that happens in real life, so I don’t know.
  • There are so many in our great country who have been bullied into silence at the doing of a far-left mob. Freedom of speech must be restored. Logic must be restored. Critical thinking must be restored. I have deep love for everyone of my fellow humans. Every race, color, creed, gender, political back ground, religious back ground, financial background, must have their OWN voice and opinion, and it MUST be allowed be to spoken.
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