Image Processing API

Made by Invertase

Use this extension to optimize and transform images via a powerful HTTP API with over 30 different image operations to enhance and manipulate your images.

Works with
Cloud Storage
0.1.1 | Source code

How this extension works

Use this extension to optimize and transform images via a powerful HTTP API with over 30 different image operations to enhance and manipulate your images.

This extension creates a Cloud Function named process, which can be called via a GET request, specifiying
the operations to perform via the operations query parameter, for example:

const operations = [
    operation: 'input',
    type: 'url',
    url: '',
    operation: 'grayscale',
    operation: 'output',
    format: 'webp',

const params = `?operations=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(operations))}`;

The extension also comes with a JavaScript utility library for simplifying the creation of operations:

import { builder } from '@invertase/image-processing-api';

const output = builder()
    url: '',
    format: 'webp',

const params = `?operations=${output.toEncodedJSONString()}`;

View the official documentation for full usage examples.

Additional setup

Before installing this extension, make sure that you’ve set up a Cloud Storage bucket in your Firebase project.


To install an extension, your project must be on the Blaze (pay as you go) plan

  • You will be charged a small amount (typically around $0.01/month) for the Firebase resources required by this extension (even if it is not used).
  • This extension uses other Firebase and Google Cloud Platform services, which have associated charges if you exceed the service’s no-cost tier:
    • Cloud Storage
    • Cloud Functions (Node.js 10+ runtime. See FAQs)