FY2024 - 2025 Funding Campaign

This fiscal year, through your support, Fedora Governance and the Fedora program team are looking to raise funds to complete specific, time-sensitive tasks identified as high-priority by the community. Our goal is to reach $25,000 above the anticipated budget this fiscal year, 2024-2025.

The Request

The Fedora Program, stewarded by our organizational home, Lyrasis, is seeking an additional contribution for fiscal year 2024-2025, to raise a total of $25,000 above the anticipated budget. A simple, one-time contribution or raising your membership tier will help us meet this fundraising goal.

Why we are asking

This additional funding for the Fedora Program would allow us to bring the current Fedora lead developer up to full-time capacity over the next 18-24 months, in order to complete time-sensitive tasks identified as high priority by the community.

How the money will be used

The funds will enable the lead developer to increase from 50% to 80% of their time, this year, to work on critical Fedora updates, development and testing. Specifically, the developer will dedicate their time over the next fiscal year (FY 2024-2025) to the following:

  1. Critical security and stability updates
  2. Improved performance and scalability
  3. Improved documentation and technical resources
  4. Continued support for migrations to current versions of Fedora
  5. Integrations with other repository platforms
  6. Continue maintenance and support

See more specifics on the Community Roadmap here: https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/FF/Fedora+Community+Roadmap

How to contribute

Become a Fedora member. Membership is the best way ensure the sustainability of this work and the continued development of Fedora technology. Membership can take many forms, and the Fedora program is proud to offer accessible options for all levels of support.

Find out about Fedora program membership here.

If you are interested in supporting a one-time contribution, please reach out to Fedora Program Manager Arran Griffith (arran.griffith@lyrasis.org) and she would be happy to assist.

We appreciate any and all contributions to this effort. We cannot do it alone!

Your funding will support our Community Roadmap

Graphical representation of the structure of the stakeholder groups within the Fedora community.

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