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Getting Started


for iOS:

npx pod-install

To run the app use:

yarn ios


yarn android

Updating project

  1. Check if there are major versions of 3rd party dependencies, update and commit these changes first
  2. Remove current example project
  3. Create a project named example using react-native-better-template
  4. Revert so you can see this guide
  5. In tsconfig.json add
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
  "@flyerhq/react-native-chat-ui": ["../src"]
"resolveJsonModule": true,
  1. In package.json scripts section add
"generate-messages": "node scripts/generateMessages.js",
"prepare": "yarn generate-messages",
  1. Check the difference in metro.config.js and combine all
  2. Revert src folder
  3. Revert scripts folder
  4. Revert index.js
  5. Check the difference in .gitignore and combine all
  6. Check the difference in .eslintrc.js and combine all
  7. Install all missing dependencies
  8. Check the difference in Info.plist and combine all
  9. Open Xcode and change build number from 1 to 2 and back in the UI, so Xcode will format *.pbxproj eliminating some changes