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repositories Search Results · topic:security org:ansible-lockdown fork:true

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40 results

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Cybersecurity is the protection of computer hardware, software, and data from theft, damage, and malicious intent.

Ansible role for Red Hat 7 CIS Baseline
  • YAML
  • 473
  • Updated
    2 days ago

Ansible role for Red Hat 7 STIG Baseline
  • YAML
  • 283
  • Updated
    2 days ago

Ansible role for Red Hat 8 CIS Baseline
  • YAML
  • 262
  • Updated
    14 hours ago

Ansible role for Ubuntu22 CIS Baseline
  • YAML
  • 179
  • Updated
    2 days ago

Ansible role for Ubuntu 2004 CIS Baseline
  • YAML
  • 176
  • Updated
    2 days ago

CIS Baseline Ansible Role for Windows 2019
  • YAML
  • 133
  • Updated
    on Jun 20

Ansible role for Red Hat 9 CIS Baseline
  • YAML
  • 113
  • Updated
    14 hours ago

Ansible role for Red Hat 6 DISA STIG
  • Shell
  • 100
  • Updated
    on Nov 21, 2023

Ansible role for Red Hat 8 STIG Baseline
  • YAML
  • 95
  • Updated
    2 days ago

CIS Baseline Ansible Role for Windows 2022
  • YAML
  • 65
  • Updated
    23 days ago
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Cybersecurity is the protection of computer hardware, software, and data from theft, damage, and malicious intent.
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Contributors are working behind the scenes to make open source better for everyone—give them the help and recognition they deserve.Explore sponsorable projects
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