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Become a sponsor to Blokada (ad blocker)

Blokada was first released in November 2016, by the developer Karol Gusak. The goal was to keep devices ad-free and avoid unwanted content that uses unnecessary mobile data. The first features and bug fixes were shipped quickly, the application's topic on the famous XDA forum had hourly updates. To be more available for the users and assist them more easily, the project opened its gate on Telegram. The first two members were Karol and one of the forum's member, Péter Róth. Later he started to refurbish the ad-blocker's Facebook page and website, besides helped with the rapidly growing chat room.

To build a group that helps to translate the app, create content, test and debug beta versions and administrate the social pages, Blokada Insiders was founded in 2018 and it works actively to make Blokada as good as it now. Did you know today Blokada is available in 25 languages?
Sebastian Januszevski joined the administration of the Telegram channel, assisting members and actively contributing towards testing the application, reproducing user reports. Based on his feedbacks and knowledge, Blokada got more stable and reliable.

We now continue on our journey to make Blokada a privacy-protecting app for everyone, and are extending outside of Android. Our plan is to support more platform, as well as attract more contributors and keep improving the existing Android version of the app.

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$5 a month


If each of our users supported us with this amount, Blokada's budget would be safe for many years ahead.

$20 a month


Developing an app like Blokada, is hard work. We, as an organization, spend thousands of hours every month on the project. We hope you appreciate the effects of our work.

$50 a month


You truly believe in what we do, and we are flattered. Your support allows us to focus entirely on the project, and keep working on what we believe matters. Thank you!