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GCP Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Namespaces Imperative
Implement GCP Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Namespaces Imperative

Step-00: Pre-requisites

  1. Verify if GKE Cluster is created
  2. Verify if kubeconfig for kubectl is configured in your local terminal
# Configure kubeconfig for kubectl
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER-NAME> --region <REGION> --project <PROJECT>

gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-private-1 --region us-central1 --project kdaida123

# List Kubernetes Nodes
kubectl get nodes

Step-01: Introduction

  • Namespaces allow to split-up resources into different groups.
  • Resource names should be unique in a namespace
  • We can use namespaces to create multiple environments like dev, staging and production etc
  • Kubernetes will always list the resources from default namespace unless we provide exclusively from which namespace we need information from.

Step-02: Namespaces Imperative - Create dev Namespace

Step-02-01: Create Namespace

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns 

# Craete Namespace
kubectl create namespace <namespace-name>
kubectl create namespace dev

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns 

Step-02-02: Deploy All k8s Objects

# Deploy All k8s Objects
kubectl apply -f 01-kube-manifests-imperative/ -n dev

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns

# List Deployments from dev Namespace
kubectl get deploy -n dev

# List Pods from dev Namespace
kubectl get pods -n dev

# List Services from dev Namespace
kubectl get svc -n dev

# List all objects from dev Namespaces
kubectl get all -n dev

# Access Application

Step-03: Namespace Declarative - Create qa Namespace

Step-03-01: Namespace Kubernetes YAML Manifest

  • File Name: 00-kubernetes-namespace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: qa

Step-03-02: Update Namespace in Deployment and Service YAML Manifest

  • We are going to update the namespace: qa in metadata section of Deployment and Service
# Deployment YAML Manifest
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment 
  name: myapp1-deployment
  namespace: qa

# Service YAML Manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service 
  name: myapp1-lb-service
  namespace: qa

Step-03-03: Deploy Kubernetes Manifests

# Deploy Kubernetes Manifests
kubectl apply -f 02-kube-manifests-declarative

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns

# List Deployments from qa Namespace
kubectl get deploy -n qa

# List Pods from qa Namespace
kubectl get pods -n qa

# List Services from qa Namespace
kubectl get svc -n qa

# List all objects from qa Namespaces
kubectl get all -n qa

# Access Application

Step-04: Clean-Up Resources

  • If we delete Namespace, all resources associated with namespace will get deleted.
# Delete dev Namespace
kubectl delete ns dev

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns
1. dev namespace should  not be present

# Verify Pods from dev Namespace
kubectl get pods -n dev
Observation: We should not find any pods because namespace itself doesnt exists

# Delete qa Namespace Resources (only)
kubectl delete -f 02-kube-manifests-declarative

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns

# Delete qa Namespace
kubectl delete ns qa

# List Namespaces
kubectl get ns
