Simple secret store inspired by Pass, powered by GPG and written in Python
Aug 19, 2023 - Python
pass is a password manager inspired by the Unix philosophy. It has a command-line interface, and uses GnuPG for encryption and decryption of stored passwords. The passwords are encrypted and stored in separate files, and can be organized via the operating system's filesystem.
Simple secret store inspired by Pass, powered by GPG and written in Python
Password keeper with random password generator.
secure password manager written in python !
Ansible role that installs password-store (pass), the standard Unix password manager.
Serverless Password Manager
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Digispark USB as virtual keyboard to store and quickly type passwords
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PassUI - an client compatible with Pass command line application.
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Tool to export data from pass for import into another password manager.
Multi user password manager for Linux and windows
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Import enpass CSV exports into pass
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Biometric based password remembering mobile application
Password Manager for myself. To generate cryptographically secure password combinations and store them
Created by Jason A. Donenfeld
Released July 23, 2012