Washington Health Policy

General Motors Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy for Washington State

Last Updated: March 28, 2024

General Motors Holdings LLC and OnStar LLC (collectively, “GM” or “we” or “our” or “us”) provide this Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy for Washington State (“Washington Health Policy”) as a supplement to the General Motors U.S. Consumer Privacy Statement and General Motors U.S Connected Services Privacy Statement (collectively, the “Privacy Statements”) to explain GM’s collection, use and sharing of Consumer Health Data as that term is used in the Washington My Health My Data Act (“Washington Health Act”).

For more information about GM’s privacy practices generally, please visit the Privacy Statements.

Consumer Health Data We Collect

The types of Consumer Health Data that we may collect include:

  • Safety and crisis services related health information.  Such as information about your health-related conditions, symptoms, statuses, diagnoses, testing, treatment, social, psychological, behavioral and medical interventions, and medication when we interact with you in connection with or provide to you safety and security services, including by responding to emergency calls from you and communicating with emergency first responders in the event of, for example, a vehicle crash or health or safety emergency when using our Connected Services (visit OnStar.com or our Privacy Statements to learn more about our Connected Services).
  • Accessibility-related vehicle adaptation information. Such as information about accessibility-related adaptive equipment installed to your vehicle to assist drivers or passengers with a permanent disability.

We may also collect precise location information about your vehicle or device when using our Connected Services; however, GM never uses this information for the purpose of identifying, deriving, extrapolating, or inferring your past, present, or future physical or mental health status.

Sources of Consumer Health Data

We may collect Consumer Health Data about you:

  • Directly from you. We may collect Consumer Health Data about you when you access or use the Connected Services or when you engage with our accessibility-related product and service offerings.  This may include, for example, when you communicate with our advisors in an emergency or crisis event, update your account information, modify your vehicle through our accessibility services, or respond to surveys and other requests for information from GM.
  • Emergency Services Providers. We may also collect Consumer Health Data about you when communicating with law enforcement, medical providers, and other emergency or crisis first responders in connection with your use of our Connected Services.

How We Use Your Consumer Health Data

We may use your Consumer Health Data for the following purposes:

  • When we interact with you in connection with or provide to you safety and security services, including by responding to emergency calls from you and communicating with emergency first responders in the event of, for example, a vehicle crash or health or safety emergency when using our Connected Services.
  • To provide accessibility-related adaptive equipment installed to your vehicle to assist drivers or passengers with a permanent disability and related vehicle or equipment reimbursement
  • To comply with legal requirements.
  • To protect our rights, and to detect, investigate, and prevent fraud or other illegal activity.
  • For other purposes with your consent.

How We Share Your Consumer Health Data

We may share the categories of Consumer Health Data described above as follows solely for the purposes listed above:

  • Within GM. We may share your Consumer Health Data only with the GM entities listed above for the limited purposes explained in this Washington Health Policy.
  • With Emergency Services Providers: Depending on how you engage with our services and where you reside, we may share your Consumer Health Data with law enforcement, medical providers, public safety answering point operators such as 911, and other emergency or crisis first responders or support services for them to protect your safety or the safety of others, and to deliver related services.

We may also occasionally share your Consumer Health Data with other third parties to comply with legal requirements (such as in response to a warrant or other court order), and as required or permitted by law to protect our rights, to detect, investigate and prevent fraud or other illegal activity, or with your consent.

How to Exercise Your Rights

Depending on where you reside, you may have certain rights under the Washington Health Act, such as:  

  • to obtain access to the Consumer Health Data that we collect about you, together with a list of all third parties and affiliates with whom we share your Consumer Health Data and contact information for these third parties and affiliates,
  • to withdraw any consent you may have provided for the use or sharing of your Consumer Health Data, or
  • to delete the Consumer Health Data that we collect about you.

To exercise the rights described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by emailing GM at gm.datacompliance@gm.com.

If we decline to take action on your request, you may have the right to appeal.  Please contact us at gm.datacompliance@gm.com if you would like to submit an appeal.  The Washington Health Act allows you to contact the Washington State Attorney General if you are not satisfied with the outcome of an appeal – visit www.atg.wa.gov/ for contact information.