Request to Block Bing Search Result in Russia

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If you are a Russian Federation resident and want to request that Microsoft block search results on Bing in response to searches on your name, please use this form.
If you are requesting delisting of content you posted on a social media site, the tools and processes available from that site may be the most effective way for you to remove this content from search results. You can find links to the help pages of common third party sites here.
If you wish to report a concern to Bing that is not a “right to be forgotten” request, please go here.
For each applicable question on this form, we encourage you to provide: (a) complete and relevant information and (b) all documentation supporting your stated reason for removal. We will use the information that you provide to evaluate your request. We may also consider other sources of information beyond this form to verify and validate the information you provide.
If we find any omissions, inaccuracies, errors or invalid identification documentation in your request, we may ask you to provide the missing information and/or amend your request to eliminate the inaccuracy or error, and send us the updated information.
If you do not submit this additional information to us within 10 business days after you have received our request, then your request will lapse. To restart the process, you will need to resubmit your request to us.
Within 10 business days after we receive the updated information, we will notify you of fulfillment or provide a reason for refusal.
Making a request does not guarantee that a particular search result will be blocked.
Note regarding minor children: If you are a minor, you may submit this form on your own. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor, you may submit this form on that minor’s behalf.
This form and the related processes may change as additional guidance becomes available. Submissions may be reevaluated over time.

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