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Under the Shrine of DeathView game page

Roguelike Dungeon Crawler for the Sega Mega Drive
Submitted by kakoeimon (@kakoeimon) — 6 hours, 27 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#33.8183.818
Platform Usage#34.1824.182

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Reviewer Notes - Required
For Sega Mega Drive

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Woaw, a very unique entry for the Sega Mega Drive!

The mood is wonderful in this game, and I really love the music and the graphics. It's interested the graphics were AI generated, I don't think many homebrewer have used AI generated content yet! :). The monster look really good, and the whole game have a spooky mood that I loved.

Gameplay-wise, as others have noted I really enjoyed the map, it was very helpful to avoid getting lost. The difficulty is brutal though - I know it's part of the genre's DNA, but this can be a bit frustrating when you discover the game. Oh and I noticed a small typo on the word "inventory" when displaying its content during the game.

That being said, overall it's a very good game, congrats!


Thank you very much.

Yes, AI is not used too much yet, although I used it and in my previous project. I think a major reason is that it can be used only for static images.

I can understand the frustration, but this was a choice that had to be made. The core rules of the Basic Fantasy RPG (an open game licence game based on DnD) are used for this game and the question was do I water it down or do I remain as much faithful as I can? There are already some changes over the rules to make it easier (cause tabletop RPGs are designed for 4-6 players). For example, in BFRPG you can attack only once per turn, drinking potion is free, throwing weapons do not require you to first get your right-hand equipment on the ground, then equip the Hand Axe (for example) and then throw it, you can throw it directly from your inventory or from the ground.

Also, using the trap is almost necessary to advance in this version.

"Invenotry"? Who is writing this stuff? LOL. Thank you for pointing this out too.


This one is definitely a cut above the rest of the megadrive entries for me. It goes for an unconventional genre for the platform, a genre which I happen to love, and oozes atmosphere in the process. I love the little touches like showing the dice rolls graphically… great job! Also the map was very much appreciated, otherwise it would be easy to get lost in the dungeons. In fact the combination of the top-down rogue/nethack map view with the later 3D dungeon crawler style is very interesting; kindof like playing two games in one.


Thank you very much for this.

Actually Dungeon Crawlers and Roguelikes are more alike than not as they have a common ancestor, the DnD.

Rogue is closer to the original DnD cause of age. But in the end, I believe it can be said that it is a Dungeon Crawler without the party.

Dreamforge's Dungeon Hack (1993) is a very early example of a Dungeon Crawler that can be considered and a Roguelike with the biggest difference in that it is a pseudo real-time.

Thank you once again.


I like dungeon crawlers. This one is nice, everytime player is random with different stats and different starting items, so it made me replay many times. It's hard to survive, sometimes I get one strong hit and die, others I progress a bit but don't know if there is an ending. I find interesting the use of AI for graphics, they certainly look pretty atmospheric.


Thank you very much for this comment.

Yes, the game is randomly generated every time. In fact, the time you spend to the little are in the start of the game is what will determine the random seed.

The game requires using all your arsenal and especially the trap to survive. Careful moving is the key. Never end with 0 AP to a tile that may reveal an enemy, throw daggers etc to keep distance, end the round with AP as those will go to your Armor Class, drink potions etc

And I know it's much, but learn your enemies, learn as you play or download the core rules of Basic Fantasy RPG and by searching their names learn their stats. Their movement is converted to AP in this game. Every 10' is one tile. I used their unarmed stats.

Stable Diffusion made this game possible, textures and sprites were made with it.

Otherwise, I'll never have been able to have 4 textures for the dungeon levels and 23 enemies.

The game have an end, and it is in the 9th level. I never beat it. My highest is the 6th level.


very nice game! but the music is little bit boring. but great dungeon-crawler!



Can you elaborate a little bit on the music please?


its not bad, but i think it doesnt fit well to the game. how you made the game?


Music was made with Furnace, it is chiptune music.

I wrote a little dev blog about the creation of the game, but it does not cover the music.

You can check it out here.


The game would have probably scared my 5 year old self to death :D Nice game!


HAhaha that was the plan.

Thank you for playing.