Beefcake Supreme Force

Beefcake Supreme Force

Favorite films

  • The Lion King
  • Taxi Driver
  • Heat
  • Malcolm X

Recent activity

  • Scream

  • First Time Female Director

  • The Adjuster

  • Columbus


Recent reviews

  • Scream


    A big fuck you to audience members who think they’re smarter than horror characters. Cynicism and being a smartass didn’t help the characters too much here. Gained some more respect for this movie and how ambitious it is.

  • First Time Female Director

    First Time Female Director

    Very 2010s film. Lots of fun cameos (especially if u love sitcoms and standup) and some funny moments, but has some of the worst cinematography I’ve ever seen and an extremely poor script, especially if you’re married to an amazing screenwriter. That being said, I like Chelsea Peretti and you can tell the she really cared about making the film and being with her friends.

    Making lousy movies with your friends is what it’s all about. Can’t hate this at all!

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