City Limits

City Limits

this is so ridiculous and stupid and bad but not in a "wow this is lowkey a beautiful trash masterpiece" way, it's just bad. obviously i loved it a lot but don't come crying to me if you watch it and it bores you half to death. if you dare, it would make a good double with radioactive dreams for john stockwell 80's movies about how good an idea it would be if kindhearted fashionable teens ruled the post apocalyptic wasteland. also this is literally what's going to happen in the future irl.

cool fact: rachel talalay was apparently responsible for the computers in a handful of moments where a screen appears. for example at the end (spoiler alert) the teen orphan street gang called The Clippers overthrows an evil corporation that was trying to enslave and/or murder them idk and they rename it Clipper Corp and it shows them all in their mad max knock-off gear in a nice clean office crowded around a computer that says
cool fact 2: she was also briefly in one of aaron lipstadt's other movies, android, starring klaus kinski, which is similarly dumb and bad but enjoyable.
cool fact 3: what am i even doing with my life

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