WTC Haikus

WTC Haikus

i’ve been pretty burnt out on the whole medium of filmmaking for a few months now (particularly this past month) so i decided to watch this little Mekas short (also bc 9/11 anniversary).

filmmakers like Brakhage, Menken, and Marker are really good at reminding me of the beauty of filmmaking in showing how simple it is. its truly just images of light captured and shown in sequence with sound (sound optional!). Mekas showcases this more so than any of the ones i mentioned and this film turns out to be a really good example of that.

it’s a collection of home footage featuring the twin towers with a simple piano tune playing along. classic mekas. i found this one really moving though. the twin towers symbolize an old NYC. one in which Mekas raised his family, formed his career and all his friendships, pursued his passion. an NYC that has now been reduced to bones

 the world trade centers absence is deafening. this film is like flipping through a family photo album and noticing all of the names and faces that are now gone and feeling that sharp pain in your stomach.

simply beautiful and moving, as always.

(its genuinely so upsetting that so much of his work can only be found in like 480p. i’ve bitched ab it before and i’ll bitch again.)

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