

God evening and welcome fellow Children of Chaos.

Welcome back to Sage Sells Out month. And since my stream said Nope to Nope I'm at PEarl.

I am going to start with my one major issue, the last shot is kinda really stupid. I hated it.

I actually liked how Pearl, the events of 1919 parallel the events of 2022. Having to isolate for Spanish Flu as a parallel to Covid. If the dad got the jab, I'm just saying.

Or the projectionist finding a cute and lonely woman desperate for stardom and trying to traffick them into sex work.

This desperate desire for stardom in the moving pictures vs. desperate for stardom on TikTok. And how mean and angry people get over it.

Also who HASN'T Murdered someone and fed them to crocodiles? Like I think we can all relate.

Pearl is an example of what no bitches does to a MFer.

Or it's just an origin horror story for X and I should just enjoy watching Mia Goth run a dude with a pitchfork. You decide
Then I'll ignore your decision and do whatever I want

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