Violent Night

Violent Night

Good evening and welcome fellow Children of Chaos.

So this weekend my and the wife did Valentines Day, so we got some Sheetz and I could rent "Any movie I wanted." I ALMOST Rented Black Adam out of spite just because my wife is over Superhero movies. But I didn't. I got this instead. And I'm glad I did.

This was a lot of fun. Santa does a Die Hard. I had a blast with this one. When it comes to comedy my favorite are insane Slapstick and movies that lean into the idea without just constantly calling on it.

This movie does both! The violence is gory and violent, but so over the top it's fun. My favorite being the star in the eye.

Also while it is Santa doing Die Hard, it's not like the movie keeps making a point about it. I mean they do, but not like it's a collection of refences.

To use an extreme example. This movie does not just make references to other Christmas Media without a joke like the "Movie" movies do. Which is the best example of the other extreme. It's not like there is a scene where there is just a low rent copy of Rudolph.

Other than kind of a dumb first couple of minutes like Santa peeing over Washington DC, this movie was just non stop fun.

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