Sam has written 28 reviews for films during 2022.

  • American Psycho II: All American Girl

    American Psycho II: All American Girl

    how do you make a movie look so cheap and shitty?

  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train


    Men who go to therapy >>>>>>>

  • Breathless



    *smokes an entire pack of cigarettes*
    This movie was so fucking bad. I only rate it so high because of all the laughs it gave me. First off the .5 second jump cuts were atrocious. The plot? Hanging by a tiny thread. The woman? Written by a man. But the dialogue was what made this whole thing so laughably bad. Simple but trying really hard to be deep and sad, which is really hard when half of the interactions are…

  • Paris, Texas

    Paris, Texas


    The way this movie ripped out my still-beating heart and pulverized it, scattering the dust among the sands and sending me searching for all the pieces of myself in the process was fantastic. It didn't make me feel good but it definitely made me feel something.

  • Vivre Sa Vie

    Vivre Sa Vie


    Bro she really might've been the original blueprint for the manic pixie dream girl. She wasn't by any means and actually kind of a bummer all the time. I really liked the pimp named Luigi, despite being in only one scene, he carries this film with his silly little impression in a vain attempt to uplift the spirits of a despondent prostitute. Maybe this says something about our society?

  • Chungking Express

    Chungking Express


    Maybe I’m just dumb, maybe it was just the 90s… but the visual aspect of this film screamed nostalgia to me. The expressions of loneliness and heartbreak delivered in a noir box begs the viewer to see the (at times ridiculous) narratives and actions of these characters as the truest expressions of their grief and the lengths they will go to move on or love once more. But what I really enjoyed was how absurdly the men acted as a means to cope with what may largely be an overly dramatized self interpretation of loss.

  • Spree



    Unlike many of its predecessors in the contemporary technology thriller genre, spree gets it right. From believable graphical interfaces along with mostly being shot from the “live stream” perspective, the film manages to have real character without being visually unappealing. Despite everything, Kurt still manages to be a mostly likelable character as we see him escalate the violence of his maniacal wave of terror in the aims of getting the attention he’s sought all his life. It is by no…

  • Happiness



    Imagine if the Mona Lisa wasn't done with paint but rather the most awkward moments contemporary life has to offer for the lonely soul. This film made the skin of my mind crawl to scratch an itch I never wanted. But to be honest with you, I couldn't look away. I sat there foaming at the mouth anticipating the increasingly horrible interactions between the characters presented so casually I couldn't help but laugh. This will definitely scare the hoes. If there was one line from this it'd be "pussy... need pussy".

  • Raw



    I really like this films concept and its human approach towards the supernatural. There were boobs, pretty colors, sex, violence- very nice. I liked it. -points because I don't like French people.

  • Closer



    I feel bad for the people that went to the movies to see this.

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Everything Everywhere All at Once


    This movie was such a fun ride taking full advantage of the medium of film. The storytelling manages complete absurdity while maintaining an engaging narrative leaving you wondering if it's a quirked up white boy bussin it down sexual style as it exceeds improbability as a means of causality. If this doesn't earn an Oscar nomination I'm gonna throw hands.

  • Brokeback Mountain

    Brokeback Mountain


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    You'd think being old timey gay cowboys would be a lot more fun and a lot less sad than this. Like fellas- is it gay to be gay with another man when you're out camping like a couple times every couple of years? I really liked when Anne Hathaway had her titty out for like 1.5 seconds I hadn't ever seen that before. If nothing else this movie really just made me sad thinking about all the times I haven't…