
kapwa Pro

Favorite films

  • Ikiru
  • Stalker
  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • Close-Up

Recent activity

  • DAN DA DAN: First Encounter


  • The Babadook


  • The Matrix


  • My Left Eye Sees Ghosts


Recent reviews

  • A Different Man

    A Different Man


    Was 💯 on board until it started to run out of ideas during the slapdash third act when The Elephant Man morphs into The Driller Killer.. and shoutouts to Anthology for the cameo!

  • The Memory of Justice

    The Memory of Justice


    “These things are results of pressures and circumstances to which human frailty succumbs, and a large part of it isn't really due to any intrinsic sadism or desire to inflict pain.”

Popular reviews

  • Come and See

    Come and See


    “Whoever’s watching Come and See for the first time, you’re about to get reamed. Whoever’s watching it again loves getting reamed.” 

    Intro w/ Ari Aster

    the self promoting jackass that hijacked Ari’s intro just to ask the most generic self serving question imaginable ended up getting not only vehemently booed but also bitch slapped and bloodied outside the Paris Theater just moments after the anti-war film ended..
    welcome to bleak weak nyc!!

  • Here’s Chicago! The City of Dreams

    Here’s Chicago! The City of Dreams

    Whoever decided to screen this before PlayTime deserves a raise