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Recent reviews

  • Kamla Ki Maut

    Kamla Ki Maut


    It is so insane that almost after 40 years the film is so relevant. Basu Chatterjee shows us how we act infront of others & how we confront ourselves.

  • Gargi



    The film doesn’t try to give moral lessons,but in the end makes you confront the ugliest reality.

Popular reviews

  • Biutiful



    'Perhaps the idea is that he inhabits a world so lacking in goodness that his possibilities for choice are limited.'
    _Roger Ebert

    Inaritu has distinctive languages of filming people who are flawed in their own way. I guess a very handful of directors have this ability to make audience experience such real life melancholy.

    Uxbal,a second class criminal who isn’t directly involve with so called crime, but as providing jobs to illegal immigrants is outside laws. He's also suffering from…

  • The Virgin Suicides

    The Virgin Suicides


    Melancholic. Beaitiful. Emptiness.

    The Lisbon girls had much to offer, but the feelings of emptiness, left out made them unhappy. The society only saw their shells & never had the courage to look inside.

    Whenver they found a little light of hope,they grabbed... But the sense of disappointment, heartbreak push them to the edge.