
ScreeningNotes Patron

Favorite films

  • August in the Water
  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • Blue Collar
  • The Cigarette

Recent activity

  • Light Sleeper


  • August in the Water


  • Mad God


  • The Devil in the City

Pinned reviews

  • The Night Porter

    The Night Porter


    The Years of LeadBook Out Now!

    "Cultural criticism finds itself faced with the final stage in the dialectic of culture and barbarism. To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric."
    –Theodor Adorno, "Cultural Criticism and Society"

    "Adorno does not wish to negate representation; on the contrary, he argues that the aesthetics of post-Holocaust poetry are of a particular 'barbaric' character... Adorno is attempting to describe a new form of poetry which is stylistically and thematically awkward. The language is…

  • Cure




    This one little stray title on a textbook lying discarded in Mamiya's room was what tied it all together for me. The Enlightenment was a 17th and 18th century philosophical movement that sought to understand the world through empiricism and rationality. Here, in 1997 when Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Cure was released, at the end of the 20th century, at the peak of the postmodern era, that search for truth and understanding is…

Recent reviews

  • Light Sleeper

    Light Sleeper


    Depraved & Dejected: Part One

    "I have trouble sleeping. Look. What do you see around me? Is there anything? Is it dark? Have I run out of luck? Is there luck?"

    I feel this deep down tremblin'
    In the earth 'neath my feet
    That shakes the great foundations
    I awake from my sleep
    I trust my life to providence
    I trust my soul to grace
    But nothing takes away the pain
    I can't forget your face

    And it feels
    Like the world's on fire


  • August in the Water

    August in the Water


    "During a class in primary school, I was staring at parts of my body like nails or hair, and then, as I looked more closely at them, I became aware of the particles that make up my body… Even smaller than atoms or molecules. However small, they're part of me. Then I realized there are even smaller parts than the air, which are still parts of me. And all the particles, like that of my classmates or of a chair,…

Popular reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    "Hey pretty girl, time to wake up."

    There was a time not too long ago when if you asked me what my favorite movie was I might have told you Mulholland Drive. There's a lot going on in the film and I certainly won't claim to understand all of it (something I might have done when it was my "favorite movie"), but I do have a reading of it that seems to answer a lot of the questions it poses,…

  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off

    Ferris Bueller's Day Off


    In a selfish attempt to cope with his separation anxiety, a sociopathic student abuses his relationship with his mentally unstable best friend in order to throw his future away on a single day of raucous debauchery.