
Shubhra Pro

Favorite films

  • Starlet
  • Transit
  • Raise the Red Lantern
  • Knives Out

Recent activity

  • Shambhala


  • His Girl Friday


  • Black Friday


  • Shanghai Triad


Pinned reviews

  • Great Freedom

    Great Freedom


    Cannes day 2: Forgot to wear underwear so decided not to drink water BUT THEN watched Franz Rogowski naked on screen while Franz Rogoswki in a white suit sat 15ft away from me.

  • C'mon C'mon

    C'mon C'mon


    So tonight I had to pack up my house and leave. Again. Again. When the boxes were finally loaded and taped, I sat on the couch facing our silver screen, cocooned within thick soundproofed curtains on one side and a wall built out of blurays on the other. My latibule; the only space I’ve come to associate with a feeling of home. I decided to watch one last film here as a farewell to my home/cinema. 

    The screener lagged for…

Recent reviews

  • Kill



    One way ride to all-out unhinged relentlessly fun pornographic violence. The best decision NNB makes here is to just commit to a through and through action entertainer, nothing else, no underlying themes or messaging, no poignant characters (but also there are so many characters who aren’t just bodies). Some seriously well thought out writing here for a one dimensional and wholly physical drama.

  • Thelma



    i know eventually everyone has to die, but i really hope june squibb doesn’t

Popular reviews

  • Sherni



    In the attention-deficit digital economy, rich is the filmmaker who still chooses to tell their story patiently. Haste, the largest byproduct of social media use, has seeped into not only our art forms but our activism, too. We’re so caught up in being on the right side of everything that there is little time or tolerance leftover to understand — not justify, not agree with, not enable, simply understand — the other sides. 

    Sherni is the exceptional conservation story that…

  • Laapataa Ladies

    Laapataa Ladies


    Every many many years, a homegrown film convinces my heart it’s still rooted here, still rooting for this ridiculous society