Eric Keenan

Eric Keenan Patron

Ratings based purely on enjoyment, I just like watching movies

Favorite films

  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  • Almost Famous
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • After Hours

Recent activity

  • Alien


  • Magnolia


  • My Cousin Vinny


  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Recent reviews

  • Alien



    Watched with roommate after many beers didn’t pay attention but still 5/5 👍

  • Magnolia



    A lot of moving pieces in this one and I think it all comes together well which is a feat in itself really. Really great performances all around and I especially got some enjoyment from Tom cruises batshit character. Good soundtrack really made some scenes but I gotta say I didn’t love the singalong, maybe I just didn’t get it. PTA hasn’t let me down so far and I’ll likely come back to this one at some point when I’m in the mood for a longer movie

Popular reviews

  • Arrival



    I have questions about the logic of their ship design. Why is it so big and seems like no space is being used, and yet it’s shaped in a way that suggests that they are conserving space. Oh well who knows alien shit I guess. Also why is the definitive reason for hiring louise is that she has a different opinion on some word surely it’s up for debate and what the hell does that guy know about it anyway? Good movie though nice to look at and cinematic plus the music is pretty great

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    A foot sucking scene to make Tarantino blush
