MIT Libraries

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Food and beverage policy

  • No food or eating in Libraries spaces with the exception of the Courtyard Cafe area in Hayden located in building 14.
  • Covered beverages are permitted only in reading rooms, study rooms, at study carrels, tables, and in specific areas where permitted.
  • No beverages are allowed in the Distinctive Collections Reading Room, in stacks, or at computer terminals.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
  • Study areas should be left clean. Alert library staff to spills so we can submit cleaning requests.
  • Users not complying with these guidelines will be reminded of the policy and then asked to leave the Libraries if they are unwilling to comply.
  • Interpretation of these guidelines is at the discretion of Libraries’ staff.
  • See the Library use policy for more information on using the MIT Libraries.

For questions about food and beverages at events in MIT Libraries, please contact