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Versija, kas saglabāta 2024. gada 12. jūlijs, plkst. 04.03

Andrejs Plakans (1940—2024) bija latviešu vēsturnieks,[1] Aiova štata universitātes profesors.[2]


  • A Concise History of the Baltic States (Cambridge University Press, 2011)[3]
  • The Latvians: A Short History (Hoover Institution Press, 1995)[4]
  • Kinship in the Past: An Anthropology of European Family Life, 1500-1900 (B. Blackwell, 1984)[5]
  • Historical Dictionary of Latvia (Scarecrow Press, 1997)
  • Experiencing Totalitarianism: The Invasion and Occupation of Latvia by the USSR and Nazi Germany 1939-1991 (AuthorHouse, 2014)
  • The Reluctant Exiles: Latvians in the West after World War II (Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2021)[6]


  • Family History at the Crossroads: A Journal of Family History Reader [7]


  1. «"Vēl viena izcila vēsturnieka historiogrāfija ir noslēgusies"; mūžībā devies Andrejs Plakans». nra.lv (latviešu). Skatīts: 2024-07-10.
  2. «Historical Dictionary of Latvia (Historical Dictionaries of Europe #60) (Hardcover) | Kepler's Books». www.keplers.com.
  3. Bartlett, Roger (March 1, 2012). "Book Review: Andrejs Plakans: A Concise History of the Baltic States". Journal of European Studies 42 (1): 78–80. doi:10.1177/0047244111428848b.
  4. «The Latvians: A Short History». Hoover Institution.
  5. Kertzer, David I. (September 1, 1986). "Kinship in the Past: An Anthropology of European Family Life, 1500-1900. Andrejs Plakans". American Journal of Sociology 92 (2): 508–510. doi:10.1086/228535.
  6. Andrejs Plakans. The Reluctant Exiles: Latvians in the West after World War II. Brill Schöningh, 2021. gada 25. maijs. ISBN 9783657760282 – caur brill.com.
  7. Family History at the Crossroads. 2017. gada 21. marts. ISBN 9780691608709 – caur press.princeton.edu.