Snagem Hideout

Snagem Hideout スナッチ団のアジト
Team Snatch Hideout
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Snagem Hideout XD.png
Map description: The former base of Team Snagem that was completely destroyed in a catastrophic explosion.Colo
Team Snagem's base is apparently still in use even after it was destroyed.XD
The base where Team Snagem dreams of regaining its former glory.XD
Location: Eclo Canyon
Region: Orre
Generations: III
Orre Snagem Hideout Map.png
Location of Snagem Hideout in Orre.
Pokémon world locations

Snagem Hideout (Japanese: スナッチ団のアジト Team Snatch Hideout) is a location in Orre. It is the base of the villainous Team Snagem. According to a news report in Pokémon Colosseum, it is located in Eclo Canyon (Japanese: エクロ峡谷 Eclo Canyon), which is in the northeastern part of the region, near the Cipher Key Lair.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

At the start of Pokémon Colosseum, the base is heavily damaged by Wes as he steals the only portable Snag Machine and destroys the larger ones, detonating several explosives placed around the building during his theft and escape. During the post-game, it acts as a gathering place for Shadow Pokémon Trainers who cannot be rematched during the main game.

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the Snagem Hideout is still in severe disrepair from the sabotage five years ago. Two travelers in the Outskirt Stand mention jogging out to Eclo Canyon and feeling like people were there, despite the canyon being officially declared abandoned. Michael must enter the hideout, which turns out to still be in use by Team Snagem, in order to reclaim his stolen Snag Machine.


Pokémon Colosseum

Despite the player leaving the Snagem Hideout at the start of the game, it cannot be visited until the post-game, where the player must visit it at least twice. The first time they visit it to follow a lead on a Cipher Peon with a Shadow Johto first partner Pokémon that they didn't snag in Phenac City.

After the Johto first partner Pokémon has been snagged, the player will soon be informed of rumors about the big Snag Machine being repaired, promoting them to revisit the hideout again. During this return visit, the player can snag two previously unavailable Shadow Pokémon, a Smeargle and an Ursaring, and rematch Snagem Head Gonzap. Battling Gonzap allows the player to claim the D-Disk, which is required to access the Deep Colosseum and progress the post-game plot. It is also revealed that the big Snag Machine has been destroyed beyond repair and the fake rumors were merely a plan hatched by Gonzap to lure the player into returning to the hideout and get revenge on him for betraying the team at the start of the game.

Most Shadow Pokémon Trainers who cannot be rematched during the main game also appear here, allowing the player to battle them again in case they failed to snag their Shadow Pokémon earlier.

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

The player must visit the Snagem Hideout in order to get back the Snag Machine stolen from them by Wakin at the S.S. Libra. Upon reaching Gonzap's office, the player sees Gonzap berating Wakin that the Snag Machine is too small for him, before being forced to battle Wakin and Gonzap in succession. Once Gonzap has been defeated, he will return the Snag Machine to the player, admitting that both of them are aiming for the same goal, as Team Snagem is seeking to get revenge on Cipher for abandoning their alliance with them.

Gonzap will also give the player a key to a locked item chest on 1F after being defeated, allowing the player to obtain the TM hidden inside it.

  Spoilers end here.  


Item Location Games
  Max Elixir 1F, in the center of the hallway  Colo 
  Max Revive ×2 1F, next to Niver  Colo 
  Ultra Ball ×5 1F, inside the big Snag Machine in the southwest room  Colo 
  Ultra Ball ×3 1F, north of the healing machine  XD 
  TM29 (Psychic) 1F, behind the southeast staircase, near Biden  XD 
  TM30 (Shadow Ball) 1F, near the alternate exit (requires Gonzap's Key)  XD 
  Elixir 2F, east of the northern staircase  Colo 
  Max Ether ×2 2F, in the southwest room  Colo 
  D-Disk 2F, on the table in Gonzap's office after battling him  Colo 
  Rare Candy ×3 2F, in Gonzap's office  Colo 
  PP Up 2F, inside the jail cell  XD 
  Hyper Potion ×2 2F, behind the northern staircase  XD 
  Snag Machine 2F, retrieved from Gonzap after defeating him  XD 
  Gonzap's Key 2F, reward for defeating Gonzap  XD 
  Full Heal ×2 2F, inside Gonzap's office  XD 
  Max Potion ×3 3F, in the northeast room  Colo 
  PP Up ×3 3F, in the southwest room  Colo 
  Revive ×2 3F, in the southern part of the hallway  XD 
  Rare Candy 3F, to the left of Golit  XD 


Pokémon Colosseum

If a Trainer's Shadow Pokémon wasn't snagged during the main game, it will replace the last Pokémon in their party here. They can be rematched until their Shadow Pokémon has been snagged.


These Cipher Peons appear in turn whenever the player enters the gap in the wall north of the PC. The next Peon will appear once the player has exited and reentered the building or battled Gonzap.

Trainer Pokémon
Cipher Peon Nore
ワイルド Wild
Reward: $2,200
  Beautifly Lv.54
No item
  Forretress Lv.51
No item
  Masquerain Lv.52
No item
  Ninjask Lv.55
No item
Cipher Peon Skrub
コワップ Kowappu
Reward: $2,120
  Huntail Lv.51
No item
  Wobbuffet Lv.53
No item
  Golem Lv.52
No item
  Medicham Lv.50
No item
Cipher Peon Kloak
コルガ Koruga
Reward: $2,120
  Illumise Lv.53
No item
  Volbeat Lv.53
No item
  Ariados Lv.52
No item
Cipher Peon Baila
ジニー Ginny
Reward: $2,120
  Jumpluff Lv.53
No item
  Roselia Lv.52
No item
  Vileplume Lv.51
No item
Cipher Peon Arton
ザイル Zairu
Reward: $2,200
  Piloswine Lv.55
No item
  Glalie Lv.54
No item
  Sealeo Lv.50
No item
Cipher Peon Dioge
ポトン Poton
Reward: $2,120
  Forretress Lv.51
No item
  Masquerain Lv.53
No item
  Dustox Lv.50
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

First visit

These Trainers will be present at the Snagem Hideout since the first visit. The Cipher Peon with the Johto first partner Pokémon will disappear after his Shadow Pokémon has been snagged.

Trainer Pokémon
Team Snagem Driton
ベイル Vail
Reward: $550
  Seadra Lv.55
No item
  Pelipper Lv.53
No item
  Lanturn Lv.50
No item
  Starmie Lv.52
No item
Bodybuilder Colas
メンド Mend
Reward: $1,296
  Pupitar Lv.54
No item
  Spinda Lv.51
No item
  Shelgon Lv.54
No item
  Carvanha Lv.51
No item
Bandana Guy Crudo
チェント Chento
Reward: $880
  Sandslash Lv.53
No item
  Linoone Lv.55
No item
  Weezing Lv.52
No item
  Swalot Lv.51
No item
Team Snagem Niver
バクサ Bakusa
Reward: $530
  Grovyle Lv.52
No item
  Rhyhorn Lv.52
No item
  Vigoroth Lv.52
No item
  Zangoose Lv.53
No item
Rider Rions
リカル Rikaru
Reward: $540
  Poochyena Lv.54
No item
  Kadabra Lv.53
No item
  Mightyena Lv.50
No item
  Linoone Lv.53
No item
Team Snagem Fuston
デジタス Dejitasu
Reward: $540
  Beautifly Lv.53
No item
  Delibird Lv.54
No item
  Swellow Lv.54
No item
  Golbat Lv.53
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

  If Rosso was battled in Phenac City:

  If Bluno was battled in Phenac City:

  If Verde was battled in Phenac City:

Second visit

These Trainers appear at the Snagem Hideout once the player has received Bitt's email about Shadow Smeargle and Ursaring.

Trainer Pokémon
Bodybuilder Lonia
ウィス Wisu
Reward: $1,320
  Flaaffy Lv.55
No item
  Dunsparce Lv.51
No item
  Octillery Lv.54
No item
  Walrein Lv.52
No item
Rider Nelis
ラル Lal
Reward: $540
  Corsola Lv.51
No item
  Loudred Lv.54
No item
  Seviper Lv.52
No item
  Sharpedo Lv.50
No item
Hunter Frena
ヘシティ Heshiti
Reward: $848
  Jigglypuff Lv.52
No item
  Shroomish Lv.53
No item
  Mawile Lv.53
No item
  Donphan Lv.51
No item
Chaser Liaks
シャイナ Shaina
Reward: $1,080
  Gloom Lv.53
No item
  Golduck Lv.54
No item
  Jumpluff Lv.53
No item
  Noctowl Lv.52
No item
Team Snagem Biden
ザブ Zabu
Reward: $520
  Smeargle Lv.52
No item
  Smeargle Lv.51
No item
  Smeargle Lv.50
No item
No item
Team Snagem Agrev
ミサンゴ Misango
Reward: $550
  Marshtomp Lv.55
No item
  Machoke Lv.52
No item
  Shiftry Lv.50
No item
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

  If Skarmory was not snagged at Realgam Tower, it will replace Gonzap's Gyarados here. Once Skarmory has been snagged, Gonzap will permanently disappear after being battled here, regardless of whether the player wins or loses.

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

Trainer Pokémon
Team Snagem Agrev
ミサンゴ Misango
Reward: $540
  Murkrow Lv.26
No item
  Oddish Lv.26
No item
  Golbat Lv.26
No item
  Absol Lv.27
No item
Team Snagem Jedo
チマイナ Chimaina
Reward: $520
  Koffing Lv.26
No item
  Oddish Lv.26
No item
  Dustox Lv.26
No item
  Qwilfish Lv.25
No item
Team Snagem Hobble
テキラ Tekira
Reward: $560
  Girafarig Lv.26
No item
  Smeargle Lv.27
No item
  Pelipper Lv.25
No item
  Machoke Lv.28
No item
Team Snagem Golit
ラクゼ Rakuze
Reward: $640
  Remoraid Lv.25
No item
  Octillery Lv.26
No item
  Sandslash Lv.27
No item
  Loudred Lv.26
No item
  Crawdaunt Lv.32
No item
Team Snagem Jinok
カラト Karato
Reward: $520
  Kecleon Lv.25
No item
  Aipom Lv.26
No item
  Volbeat Lv.25
No item
  Yanma Lv.25
No item
Team Snagem Gaply
ネバン Neban
Reward: $560
  Ariados Lv.26
No item
  Beautifly Lv.28
No item
  Sneasel Lv.28
No item
  Delibird Lv.28
No item
  Xatu Lv.27
No item
Team Snagem Fudlo
ラウニ Rauni
Reward: $560
  Graveler Lv.25
No item
  Rhyhorn Lv.26
No item
  Stantler Lv.28
No item
  Misdreavus Lv.28
No item
  Tropius Lv.27
No item
Team Snagem Biden
ザブ Zabu
Reward: $540
  Oddish Lv.27
No item
  Crobat Lv.26
No item
  Torkoal Lv.26
No item
  Bellossom Lv.26
No item
Team Snagem Wakin
ヤッチーノ Yaccino
Reward: $640
  Gloom Lv.28
No item
  Gloom Lv.28
No item
  Mantine Lv.28
No item
  Forretress Lv.31
No item
  Grumpig Lv.32
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.


  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing layout images from Colosseum
Game Entrance 1F 2F 3F


  • Upon defeating Cipher Peon Baila here in Colosseum, the colon separating her name from her defeat speech is missing.

In other languages

Language Title
  European French Repaire Team Snatch
  German Team Krall-Versteck
  Italian Rifugio Clepto
  European Spanish Guarida de Cepo
Guarida del Equipo Cepo

Language Name Origin
Japanese エクロ峡谷 Eclo Canyon From echo and eclogite.
English Eclo Canyon Same as Japanese name.
French Canyon Lekro Similar to Japanese name.
German Cro-Canyon Similar to Japanese name.
Italian Canyon dell'Eco From eco (echo).
Spanish Cañón Eclo Same as Japanese name.

Related articles

Phenac CityPyrite TownAgate VillageThe UnderGateon Port
Outskirt StandPrestige Precept CenterPyrite Bldg/ONBSPyrite CaveRelic CaveRelic StoneThe Under Subway
Cipher LabSnagem HideoutPokémon HQ LabKaminko's HousePoké SpotS.S. LibraCipher Key LairCitadark Isle
Colosseums and stadiums
Phenac StadiumPyrite ColosseumUnder Colosseum
Realgam ColosseumDeep ColosseumOrre Colosseum
Tournament areas
Mt. BattleRealgam Tower
Team Snagem
Snagem Hideout
Head Notable members Former
Gonzap Wakin Biden Agrev Wes
See also: Cipher

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.