User:MH/List of Advanced Generation series episodes in Finnish

The second half of season six consisting of the 26 Advanced episodes (some of the last episodes were skipped, like in seasons 2 to 5) began airing in Finland on September 5, 2004. Starting with the seventh season, every episode of the English dub has been aired and dubbed sooner or later in Finnish. In season nine, MTV3 only aired the first 18 episodes, the remaining episodes were only aired on Sub Juniori.

Hoenn League arc

Code Screenshot Finnish title English title FI broadcast Notes
AG001   Matkalle näytöstyyliin
To the way with performance style
Get the Show on the Road! September 5, 2004
AG002   Raunio näköalalla
A ruin on a view
A Ruin with a View September 12, 2004
AG003   Oma Hoenn kullan kallis
Hoenn sweet Hoenn
There's no Place Like Hoenn September 19, 2004
AG004   Kiivas ystäväni
The quick-tempered friend of mine
You Can Never Taillow October 3, 2004
AG005   Polvihousujuttu
The case of knickers
In the Knicker of Time! October 17, 2004
AG006   Salametsästäjän jäljillä
Trailing a poacher
A Poached Ego! December 30, 2004
AG007   Puiseva juttu
A woody case
Tree's a Crowd January 6, 2005
AG008   Luottamuksen äärellä
Near to confidence
A Tail with a Twist January 13, 2005
AG009   Kummituskartano
The haunted mansion
Taming of the Shroomish January 20, 2005
AG010   Maailman vahvin Pokémon
The strongest Pokémon in the world
You Said a Mouthful! January 27, 2005
AG011   Ikimuistoinen purema
A memorable bite
A Bite to Remember February 3, 2005
AG012   Alakuloinen Lotad
The blue Lotad
The Lotad Lowdown February 10, 2005
AG013   Sirot liikkeet
The graceful movements
All Things Bright and Beautifly! February 17, 2005
AG014   Wurmple mielessäin
A Wurmple in my mind
All in a Day's Wurmple February 24, 2005
AG015   Koulun valtias
The ruler of the school
Gonna Rule The School! March 3, 2005
AG016   Voitto kärsän mitalla
The win by a trunk
The Winner by a Nosepass March 17, 2005
AG017   Murtovarkaita Devon-yhtiössä
Burglars in the Devon Corporation
Stairway to Devon March 24, 2005
AG018   Wingullin siivellä
On the wing of a Wingull
On a Wingull and a Prayer! March 31, 2005
AG019   Sharpedo-hyökkäys
Sharpedo attack
Sharpedo Attack! April 7, 2005
AG020   Aallon ratsastaja
The rider of the wave
Brave the Wave April 14, 2005
AG021   Mikä Wurmple on mikä?
Which wurmple is which?
Which Wurmple's Which? April 21, 2005
AG022   Luolan vangit
The prisoners of the cave
A Hole Lotta Trouble April 28, 2005
AG023   Corphish-syötit
The Corphish baits
Gone Corphishin' May 5, 2005
AG024   Corphish kuivalla maalla
Corphish on dry land
Corphish Out of Water May 12, 2005
AG025   Mudkip-seikkailu
The Mudkip adventure
A Mudkip Mission May 19, 2005
AG026   Nuzleaf pulassa
A Nuzleaf in trouble
Turning Over a Nuzleaf May 26, 2005
AG041   Siemeniä kerrakseen
Plenty of seeds
What You Seed is What You Get March 25, 2006
AG042   Rakkautta ensi lennolla
Love at the first flight
Love at First Flight April 1, 2006
AG043   Bagonin unelma
Bagon's dream
Let Bagons Be Bagons April 8, 2006
AG044   Prinsessa ja Togepi
Princess and Togepi
The Princess and the Togepi April 15, 2006
AG045   Togepikangastus!
The Togepi mirage!
A Togepi Mirage! April 22, 2006
AG046   Tulinen Camerupt!
The fiery Camerupt!
Candid Camerupt! April 29, 2006
AG047   Paljon melua Skittystä
Much ado about Skitty
I Feel Skitty! May 6, 2006
AG048   Pokémonpujottelun mestari
The master of Pokémon zigzagging
ZigZag Zangoose! May 13, 2006
AG049   Max vastaan Maxx
Max versus Maxx
Maxxed Out! May 20, 2006
AG050   Ammattilaisia ja huijareita
Professionals and cheats
Pros and Con Artists May 27, 2006
AG051   Mayn näytönpaikka
May's place to show her skills
Come What May! June 3, 2006
AG052   Pokémon-kannustuksen voima
The power of Pokémon cheering
Cheer Pressure June 10, 2006
AG053   Lyömätön avustus
The unbeatable Assist
Game Winning Assist June 17, 2006
AG054   Taistelu meteoriitista
Fight for the meteorite
Fight for the Meteorite! June 24, 2006
AG055   Runoja ja roistoja
Poems and crooks
Poetry Commotion! July 1, 2006
AG056   Taistelua ja haukottelua
Battling and yawning
Going, Going, Yawn July 8, 2006
AG057   Spindan sekoittamat
The ones confused by a Spinda
Going for a Spinda July 15, 2006
AG058   Tulinen Torkoal
The fiery Torkoal
All Torkoal, No Play July 22, 2006
AG059   Manectricin lataus
Manectric's charge
Manectric Charge July 29, 2006
AG060   Veikö Delcatty kielesi?
Delcatty got your tongue?
Delcatty Got Your Tongue August 5, 2006
AG061   Katastrofi valeasussa
A catastrophe in disguise
Disaster of Disguise August 12, 2006
AG062   Taistelija naamarin takana
The battler behind the mask
Disguise Da Limit August 19, 2006
AG063   Lombre kuivalla maalla
A Lombre on dry land
Take the Lombre Home August 26, 2006
AG064   Eksynyt Swablu
The lost Swablu
True Blue Swablu September 2, 2006
AG065   Gulpinien iso nälkä
Gulpin's big hunger
Gulpin it Down September 9, 2006
AG066   Exploudin viemää
Gone with Exploud
Exploud and Clear! September 16, 2006
AG067   Vain yhden Ludicolon tähden
Just because of one Ludicolo
Go Go Ludicolo! September 23, 2006
AG068   Kaksoisolennot
The doppelgängers
A Double Dilemma September 30, 2006
AG069   Rakkautta Petalburgin tyyliin
Love, Petalburg style
Love, Petalburg Style! October 7, 2006
AG070   Voiman tasapaino
The balance of power
Balance of Power October 14, 2006
AG071   Vaihtuneet Poké-pallot
The swapped Poké Balls
A Six Pack Attack! October 21, 2006
AG072   Sukupuolten taistelu
The battle of genders
The Bicker the Better! October 28, 2006
AG073   Ruohohysteria!
Grass hysteria!
Grass Hysteria! November 1, 2006
AG074   Poké-pallot hukassa
Poké Balls missing
Hokey Poké Balls! November 4, 2006
AG075   Whiscash ja Ash
Whiscash and Ash
Whiscash and Ash November 8, 2006
AG076   Aikamoinen aikamatka
A reasonable time journey
Me, Myself and Time November 11, 2006
AG077   Fanihuumaa
Fan ecstasy
A Fan with a Plan November 15, 2006
AG078   Unohtumaton tappio
The unforgettable defeat
Cruisin' for a Losin' November 18, 2006
AG079   Spoinkin parhaat ystävät
Spoink's best friends
Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend November 22, 2006
AG080   Swellow'n rengas
Swellow's ring
That's just Swellow November 25, 2006
AG081   Shuppet talonmiehenä
Shuppet as a caretaker
Take This House and Shuppet November 29, 2006
AG082   Kiivastuneet Shroomishit
The angered Shroomish
The Shroomish Skirmish December 2, 2006
AG083   Sääsota
The weather war
Unfair Weather Friends December 6, 2006
AG084   Ilmojen valtiaat
Rulers of the skies
Who's Flying Now? December 9, 2006
AG085   Taistelu taivaalla
A battle in the sky
Sky High Gym Battle! December 13, 2006
AG086   Elokuvien ystävät
Friends of movies
Lights, Camerupt, Action! December 16, 2006
AG087   Salaperäinen Lunatone
The mysterious Lunatone
Crazy as a Lunetone December 16, 2006
AG088   Paniikki puistossa
Panic in the park
The Garden of Eatin' December 18, 2006
AG089   Pikachu harhapolulla
Pikachu on aberrations
A Scare to Remember! December 19, 2006
AG090   Puuta, heinää ja muutama pokéherkku
Lock, stock and some Pokéblocks
Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry December 20, 2006
AG091   Lilycoven oppitunnit
Lessons of Lilycove
Lessons in Lilycove December 21, 2006
AG092   Tuomionpäivä
The day of judgement
Judgment Day! December 22, 2006
AG093   Viisas Clamperl
The wise Clamperl
Clamperl of Wisdom June 9, 2007
AG094   Relicanthin aarre
Treasure of Relicanth
The Relicanth Really Can June 16, 2007
AG095   Uskomaton muodonmuutos
The unbelievable transformation
The Evolutionary War June 23, 2007
AG096   Kunnon kaverit
Friends of fitness / Good old pals
Training Wrecks June 30, 2007
AG097   Mahtava Groudon
The mighty Groudon
Gaining Groudon July 7, 2007
AG098   Valtataistelu
Power struggle
The Scuffle of Legends July 14, 2007
AG099   Katse tähtiin
Look to the stars
It's Still Rocket Roll to Me! July 21, 2007
AG100   Kova kuin Solrock
Solid as a Solrock
Solid as a Solrock July 28, 2007
*   No Finnish title No English title Unaired
AG101   Turhaa touhua
Useless doing
Vanity Affair August 4, 2007
AG102   Missä on Armaldo?
Where is Armaldo?
Where's Armaldo? August 11, 2007
AG103   Kurja Cacturne
The lousy Cacturne
A Cacturne for the Worse August 18, 2007
AG104   Valtava Claydol
The giant Claydol
Claydol Big and Tall August 25, 2007
AG105   Suloinen Mawile
The sweet Mawile
Once in a Mawile September 1, 2007
AG106   Trapinchien salaisuus
The secret of the Trapinch
Beg, Burrow and Steal September 8, 2007
AG107   Katastrofi nimeltä Absol
A catastrophe called Absol
Absol-ute Disaster September 15, 2007
AG108   Lumen ja jään Snorunt
The Snorunt of snow and ice
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt! September 22, 2007
AG109   Ralts vaarassa
A Ralts in danger
Do I Hear a Ralts? September 29, 2007
AG110   Kahdeksas koitos
The eighth challenge
The Great Eight Fate! October 6, 2007
AG111   Kahdeksan ei riitä
Eight isn't enough
Eight Ain't Enough October 13, 2007
AG112   Linoone näyttää kyntensä
Linoone shows its claws
Showdown At Linoone October 20, 2007
AG113   Verraton Wynaut
A splendid Wynaut
Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut? October 27, 2007
AG114   Suuria odotuksia
Great expectations
Date Expectations November 3, 2007
AG115   Kateus on pahasta
Envy is for bad
Mean With Envy November 10, 2007
AG116   Pacifidlogin kilpailu
The contest of pacifidlog
Pacifidlog Jam November 17, 2007
AG117   Marjaisa kokemus
A berryful experience
Berry, Berry Interesting November 24, 2007
AG118   Mahtava Morrison
Mighty Morrison
Less is Morrison December 1, 2007
AG119   Nauhat rusetilla
Ribbons bowtied
The Ribbon Cup Caper December 8, 2007
AG120   No Finnish title No English title Unaired
AG121   Täältä tulee hopeatuuli
Here comes the Silwer Wind
Hi Ho Silver Wind! December 15, 2007
AG122   Petos ja avustus
Deceit and Assist
Deceit and Assist December 22, 2007
AG123   Rapsodia Drew-mollissa
Rhapsody in Drew minor key
Rhapsody in Drew December 29, 2007
AG124   Saariseikkailu
The island adventure
Island Time January 5, 2008
AG125   Meowth't käy kuumana
The Meowth go hot
Like a Meowth to a Flame January 12, 2008
AG126   Beldum pelastaa
Beldum to the rescue
Saved by the Beldum January 19, 2008
AG127   Rääsyistä rikkauksiin
From rags to riches
From Brags to Riches January 26, 2008
AG128   Järkytyksiä ja sitoumuksia
Shocks and bonds
Shocks and Bonds February 2, 2008
AG129   Riitaisa ratkaisu
A fractious solution
A Judgment Brawl February 9, 2008
AG130   Ratkaiseva päät��s
The fateful decision
Choose It or Lose It! February 16, 2008
AG131   Lorun loppu
The end of the story
At the End of the Fray February 23, 2008

Kanto Battle Frontier arc

Code Screenshot Finnish title English title FI broadcast Notes
AG132   Suunnitelmia
The Scheme Team March 1, 2008
AG133   Oikea aika ja oikea tapa
The right time and the right way
The Right Place and the Right Mime March 8, 2008
AG134   Oikea Cleffa-elämys
A real Cleffa experience
A Real Cleffa-Hanger March 15, 2008
AG135   Articuno numero yksi
Articuno number one
Numero Uno Articuno March 22, 2008
AG136   Symbolijahdissa
On the symbol chase
The Symbol Life March 29, 2008
AG137   Oiva Onix
A decent Onix
Hooked on Onix April 5, 2008
AG138   Kova luu Jigglypuff
Hard bone Jigglypuff
Rough, Tough Jigglypuff April 12, 2008
AG139   Ylittämätön Arcanine
Unsurpassable Arcanine
On Cloud Arcanine April 19, 2008
AG140   Yrmeä Psyduck
Sulky Psyduck
Sitting Psyduck April 26, 2008
AG141   Hurraa kokille
Hooray to the chef
Hail to the Chef! May 3, 2008
AG142   Caterpien ongelma
Caterpie's problem
Caterpie's Big Dilemma May 10, 2008
AG143   Saffronin kilpailu
The Saffron contest
The Saffron Con May 17, 2008
AG144   Paljon melua Squirtlesta
Lots of ado about Squirtle
A Hurdle for Squirtle May 24, 2008
AG145   Pasta la Vista Pasta La Vista! May 31, 2008
AG146   Kiista kummituskylästä
An argument for a ghost village
Fear Factor Phony June 14, 2008
AG147   Kiltti pikku-James
The kind little-James
Sweet Baby James June 21, 2008
AG148   Brockin jalanjäljissä
On Brock's footsteps
A Chip Off the Old Brock June 28, 2008
AG149   Onnenpyörä
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Frontier July 5, 2008
AG150   May ja Pokémon-muna
May and the Pokémon egg
May's Egg-Cellent Adventure July 12, 2008
AG151   Viikonloppusoturi
The weekend warrior
Weekend Warrior July 19, 2008
AG152   Vanhalla järvellä
On an old lake
On Olden Pond July 26, 2008
AG153   Taktiikkapeliä
Tactic game
Tactics Theatrics!! July 27, 2008
AG154   Varauksellinen asenne
A charged attitude
Reversing the Charges August 2, 2008
AG155   Vihreä vartija
The green guardian
The Green Guardian August 3, 2008
AG156   Kehdosta rautaan
From cradle to iron
From Cradle to Save August 9, 2008
AG157   Aikamatka kaiken parantaa
A time travel heals everything
Time Warp Heals All Wounds August 10, 2008
AG158   Ottelukeihään kuningatar
The queen of the Battle Pike
Queen of the Serpentine! August 16, 2008
AG159   Syrjäpoluilla
Off the unbeaten path
Off the Unbeaten Path August 17, 2008
AG160   Harley ratsastaa jälleen
Harley rides again
Harley Rides Again August 23, 2008
AG161   Kolmas pyörä
Third wheel
Odd Pokémon Out! August 24, 2008
AG162   Yllättävä Combusken
The surprising Combusken
Spontaneous Combusken! August 30, 2008
AG163   Vapaa kuin taivaan lintu
Free as a bird
Cutting the Ties that Bind! August 31, 2008
AG164   Yhtä luonnon kanssa
One with the nature
Ka Boom with a View! November 17, 2008
AG165   Päivä kuninkaallisena
A day as a royal
King and Queen for a Day! November 18, 2008
AG166   Punainen vaara
The red danger
Curbing the Crimson Tide! November 19, 2008
AG167   Rakkauden tähden
Because of love
What I Did for Love! November 20, 2008
AG168   Kolme Jynxiä ja vauva
Three Jynx and a baby
Three Jynx and a Baby! November 21, 2008
AG169   Puhumalla paras
The more said the better
Talking a Good Game! November 24, 2008
AG170   Toinen kerta toden sanoo
Second time's the charm
Second Time's the Charm! November 25, 2008
AG171   Pokémon Ranger - Deoxysin kriisi, osa 1
Pokémon Ranger - The crisis of Deoxys, part 1
Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part One) November 26, 2008
AG172   Pokémon Ranger - Deoxysin kriisi, osa 2
Pokémon Ranger - The crisis of Deoxys, part 2
Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part Two) November 27, 2008
AG173   Ei kaikki kultaa mikä kiiltää
All that glitter is not gold
All That Glitters is Not Golden! November 28, 2008
AG174   Uudet juonet ja outo porukka
New plots and an odd gang
New Plot, Odd Lot! December 1, 2008
AG175   Kuristusotteessa
In choke grip
Going for Choke! December 2, 2008
AG176   Uudet allianssit
The new alliances
The Ole' Berate and Switch! December 3, 2008
AG177   Karseat tilat
Gruesome spaces
Grating Spaces! December 4, 2008
AG178   Vastustaja nousee sisältä
The enemy rises from within
Battling the Enemy Within! December 5, 2008
AG179   Slaking Kong Slaking Kong! December 8, 2008
AG180   Mayn uudet haasteet
May's new challenges
May, We Harley Drew'd Ya! December 9, 2008
AG181   Voimat vastakkain
Powers face-to-face
Thinning the Hoard! December 10, 2008
AG182   Ei väellä vaan viisaudella
Mind over muscle
Channeling the Battle Zone! December 11, 2008
AG183   Hänen Majesteettinsa Aipom
Her Majesty Aipom
Aipom and Circumstance! December 12, 2008
AG184   Nauru parantaa haavat
Laughter heals wounds
Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight! December 15, 2008
AG185   Kamppailu viidakossa
Struggle in the jungle
Duels of the Jungle! December 16, 2008
AG186   Riemua täynnä
Full of joy
Overjoyed! December 17, 2008
AG187   Näkemisen sietämätön keveys
The intolerable lightness of seeing
The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing! December 18, 2008
AG188   Parantajat
The healers
Pinch Healing! December 19, 2008
AG189   Neljän jengi kokoontuu
The gang of four gathers
Gathering the Gang of Four! December 22, 2008
AG190   Viimeinen ottelu
The last battle
Pace - The Final Frontier! December 23, 2008
AG191   Täydeltä laidalta
From full board
Once More With Reeling! December 24, 2008
AG192   Kotiinpaluu
Home is Where the Start Is! December 25, 2008