Marvel Database


Athela was a Pict woman of the Borni, married to Ba-Thak and living on the Pictish Isle of Kurmonn during Brule's time as chieftain.

By that time, the Sungara were "blood-brothers in war-fame" of the Borni. Four Sungara warriors returning from campaign were welcomed on their way home by the Borni. During the feast, the drunken Sungara raped Athela and fled. As Ba-Thak refused to honor her, Brule sentenced him to death for his cowardice, and went himself after the Sungara. Brule tracked and slew the defilers, before returning to Athela. The widow killed herself to avenge the shame her husband had brought upon the Borni.[1]

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  1. ↑ Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 3) #4 ; A Season of Black Death: Brule's Tale