List of all notable quotes by or about Anthony Stark (Earth-TRN591).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
It's time to go back to where you came from with the full comprehension of your power and your responsibility.
I believe that when you're thrown somewhere you're not supposed to be... whether accidentally walking down the wrong road or through the wrong door... or, yes, thrown into the far-flung future... yeah, I said it again... I think it's all for a reason. That's what old age has told me. It's all an opportunity. It's all for a purpose. And when it happened to me, when I was sent back to the grand old days of King Arthur's court with no one at my side but the greatest villain in the history of this planet Earth -- when I was sent to the past, I was in a bit of a crisis of conscience. I was having trouble with recovery and I was having a hard time focusing on my work. But back there, I was given perspective. I was witness to how far we've come. How much technology had saved us from ourselves and how it had illuminated truths about our existence we didn't even know needed illuminating yet. I needed to go back there to see how far we've come, to focus myself on where we needed to go. And I think you were sent here for the same thing. Inspiration.
And if this doesn't send you on an inventor's tear, then you're not the futurist the galaxy thinks you are!
And when it happened to me, when I was sent back to the grand old days of King Arthur's court with no one at my side but the greatest villain in the history of this planet Earth --
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