List of all notable quotes by or about Reginald Fortean (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Your brain is full of micro-mines. Your defenses won't detect them. They took the bots most of the time to plant -- looks like you transformed after our first encounter, that threw them off course. We missed our best chance, but won't miss it again. I know the transformation readings now. Once you turn human again, I'll be able to melt down your brain. So, I wouldn't relax if I were you. And there won't be any of this sympathizing with your human side like there was with Banner. I say you're a monster, you're a monster full-time. Your days are numbered, Red Hulk. And General Fortean is the one counting down.
My name is Reginald James Fortean. I'm 42 years old. I was once a Major General in the United States Air Force. For my country, I have become something else--something divorced from all conventional military structure. A commander of shadows. But even in the shadows, there must be an order. I am that order.
Sultan Magus | Coff -- you made a dire mistake...Dagan Shah will -- |
Red Hulk | -- will kiss my red butt. |
General Reggie Fortean | Let him go, Red! ... The Arab League came to an agreement earlier. They recognize new borders as defined by the man you're holding. He's agreed to stop trading arms, and a majority of the member nations accepted. Sharzhad is now a legitimate country, and you're on their ground. |
Sultan Magus | Then I declare violation of our border. You have two minutes to leave. |
General Fortean | What... what is this? |
Brian Banner | This is where you've always been. Where all of us have always been. Welcome, General Fortean. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to our little family. |
Doc Samson | I'm sorry, General. I'm so sorry. But I did try to warn you. |
General Fortean | Samson? |
Doc Samson | If it's any consolation, I don't think this lasts. I... feel as if I've tried to stay longer. To move past this place... to be... cleansed... anyway. I suppose now we both know how it's done. |
Gen. Fortean | No. No. I -- I don't want this -- I'd never have -- this is... my soul... |
Brian Banner | Ha ha ha! Isn't this fun? So many of us -- it's like a party! You've outdone yourself, Bruce. |
Joe Fixit | Bruce ain't here, Dad. It's, Joe. |
General Fortean | What-- |
Joe Fixit | Party's over. |
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