List of all notable quotes by or about Virginia Potts (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
I'll take the boss's fastest car. Tony Stark won't mind! He's probably night-clubbing somewhere -- with some wealthy glamour girl! How can he be so cold-blooded -- so unfeeling? Has he no heart? Why is he never even here when he's needed? And, most important of all -- how could I have ever thought -- that I loved him?
So, Tony, I'm asking you -- if you really want to prove your friendship -- just stay out of our lives.
It would just be an equipment malfunction... a glitch in the respirator. One of those horrible awful things that just... happens from time to time. But in Happy's case... a blessing. No one would ever know. Not even me. Not for sure...
Watching you, in your tuxedo, in the middle of a gala, is a bit like watching a predator in his natural environment stalking prey. You'll be fine.
You warned me--Tony always said his biggest fear wasn't the wrong people getting their hands on his technology, his weapons, his friends or even his lovers. When he told me what it was, I thought it was ego. But I understand now. Because the nightmare scenario has happened. His mind has been taken. We need to activate the contingency.
I have to accept that you're gone. And if I can't save you, then I have to save the world from what you've become. I bought one of the largest media companies on Earth from under you. I'll use it to sink your drug, Extremis, and I will show the world the monster you've become. They will all know your imperfections, Tony. You won't be their messiah anymore. Your zealots, so blind to the truth. I will open their eyes. Whatever you do from now on, you will do it without admiration, without those who once respected you. You will do it without your friends. You might still manage to force your arrogant vision onto the world. But you will do so broken, unloved... And completely alone.
I have to accept that you're gone. And if I can't save you, then I have to save the world from what you've become. I bought one of the largest media companies on Earth from under you. I'll use it to sink your drug, Extremis, and I will show the world the monster you've become. They will all know your imperfections, Tony. You won't be their messiah anymore. Your zealots, so blind to the truth. I will open their eyes. Whatever you do from now on, you will do it without admiration, without those who once respected you. You will do it without your friends. You might still manage to force your arrogant vision onto the world. But you will do so broken, unloved... And completely alone.
Pepper Potts | You're scaring me. Tony, what's going on? |
Iron Man | Family business. |
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