Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Yuriko Oyama (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Wolverine san! You battle with misappropriated power! That which was stolen must now be returned! Quote2
—Alpha Flight Vol 1 33
Quote1 I have been cheated of my birthright... my human essence and now... my just and long-awaited revenge -- but I will not be cheated of my honor gaijin dog! Quote2
—Wolverine Vol 2 77
Quote1 I'm on a mission from God. He wants a word with all of you. Quote2
—X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 25
Quote1 I did as I said I would-- the girls are safe, awaiting reunion with their families. I have washed my hands of them. Other matters... I cannot wash away. This fact was not hard to learn, for Wolverine was not a subtle man, and tongues wag when legends die. Outside of the neon and noise, Wolverine cultivated a small cementery here, among the pines, hidden from the city-- Often nothing more than empty graves and memorials to fallen comrades... but, at times, fallen enemies, too. Even in death, I fear he still defines me. Not for duty. Not for legacy. For my choosing. I will be what you would not. I will be the blade of my own mark and making. I will be the trouble you once were in the world. I look out over this city, with its secrets, with its violence, with its wretchedness and its cruelty, and oh, I know exactly how to begin. Quote2
—Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy Vol 1 4
Quote1 No. He's thinking about the monster we're hunting -- how it reminds him of himself. He's trying to figure out how not to kill it. Quote2
—Weapon X Vol 3 7
New X-Men Vol 2 45 Textless Bianchi Variant
Lady Deathstrike
Quote1 I’ve fought all kinds of people…ones whose bodies burned like fire …ones with superhuman healing and adamantium bones. What are you compared to them? Quote2
Shang-Chi Vol 1 1 Lee Virgin Variant
Quote1 Well… just someone who’s good with his hands. Quote2
New X-Men Vol 2 45 Textless Bianchi Variant
Lady Deathstrike
Quote1 Hgnh! Quote2
—Legend of Shang-Chi Vol 1 1

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse[]

Quote1 You're not going any further in - as a matter of fact you're not going anywhere at all. Consider this a dead end! Quote2
—Lady Deathstrike
Quote1 Oh, but I've been payed quite well to not only stand in your way. I'm to stand on your graves...after I have killed you, of cource. Quote2
—Lady Deathstrike

All items (6)
