Marvel Database

The Council was an assembly that sieged in the Chamber, in the Palace of Kings of the City of Wonders in Valusia. The Council included seventeen men: the prime councilors, and the Chief Councilor Tu. Within the Council Chamber, where the Councilors sat in order of ranks, before the daïs where the king stood, matters of peace and war were settled by the "most gifted minds of Valusia".[2]


After being informed of the existence of the Serpent-Men, King Kull convened a session in Hall of Society, and from there was escorted by the "Council" to the Council Chamber, but he and Brule were in fact led to the Accursed Room, where the Serpent-Men had slain King Eallal a thousand years earlier. There, Kull uttered the words that are anathema to the Serpent-Men, "Ka Nama Kaa Lajerama", causing the impostors to reveal their true nature. Once the Serpent-Men slain and the true setting revealed, Kull and Brule rushed to the Council Room, where an Kull impostor was ruling a session of the Council. Kull slew the Serpent-Man and was acclaimed by the Council. He then led to the Accursed Room to show more evidence of the Serpent-Men to them. He then sealed the Accursed Room before their eyes and vowed to hunt down the Serpent-Men wherever they be.[2]

Melkori, in league with the Rebel Four (Ducalon, count of Komahar, Baron Kaanuub of Blaal, Commander Enaros of the Black Legion, and the poet Ridondo), sent waxen soldiers in form of Red Slayers at the house of Jaryl Condath, a member of the Council with a publicly-known hatred for King Kull. Jaryl Condath was butchered along with his wife and his servants, thus serving the narrative that Kull had ordered death for all who opposed his rule.[1]

See Also

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