Marvel Database


Dexter Bennett bought the Daily Bugle from J. Jonah Jameson while Jameson was ill. After buying the Bugle, Bennett renamed the Bugle to "The DB!" and transformed it over time into a scandal sheet. This lead Peter Parker, Robbie Robertson, and many others who worked at the Daily Bugle to leave the DB and to move to Front Line.[2]

In the DB building, Bennett was confronted by registered superhero Jackpot for misspelling her identity as "Crackpot". When the Skrulls began their invasion, Dexter Bennett, Betty Brant, Robbie Robertson, and NYPD officer Vin Gonzales escaped from the DB building after a Super-Skrull, attacked in the form of Spider-Man, and later changed forms with the powers and abilities of Lizard, Rhino, Electro, Hydro-Man, Sandman, and Venom and begun attacking Jackpot and following the DB staff in order to find Spider-Man (unknown to anyone including the Super-Skrull, Spider-Man at the time was in the Savage Land). After the Skrull caught up to Bennett and the group, minus Jackpot who was fighting Menace, the Skrull who had smelled the scent of Spider-Man as being on the group demanded they reveal which of them was Spider-Man. Betty Brant immediately pointed out the impossibility of them being Spider-Man (in which Bennett's old age was counted out). Unfortunately, Bennett unwisely asked Grant if she was Spider-Man, leading the Super-Skrull to deduce her to be his opponent, and carried her away in his hand.[3]

Bennett quickly and calmly reasoned against Skrull's assumption with reverse-psychology and reasoning, forcing him to release Grant. After the Skrull did this, Menace and Jackpot's fighting brought Menace's glider crashing into the Skrull. Bennett and the group, including reuniting with Jackpot, fled from the now enraged Skrull, who survived the crash, into a nearby frozen fishery. After Jackpot trapped the Skrull inside a deep-freezing room, Bennett and the group helped Jackpot contain the Skrull by bracing against the room's door until he froze to death. After the events of the invasion, Bennett later wrote a front page news column praising the wealthy owner of the fishery for having the freezing room to defeat the Skrull, along with posing a picture with the owner.[4]

The DB was targeted by Electro due to Bennett's attempts to get a government bailout as the DB was failing financially (since its reputation had plummeted due to Bennett using the paper for reporting on scandals). Despite Spider-Man's efforts, the offices of the DB were destroyed. As for Bennett, due to a large chunk of debris falling on him, he lost the use of his legs.[5]

Sometime after this, Marla Jameson bought back the Daily Bugle shares from Bennett, allowing for the offices of Front Line to legally be able to remade into the new Daily Bugle.[6]


Power Grid[9]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned




  • Bennett is pathologically unable to remember the names of his employees, but can remember encyclopedic detail about them on the spot if they should ever do something to upset him and make his 'list'.[7]

See Also

Links and References

