Marvel Database


The ablative armor was a prototype space armor designed for impact-heavy environments. It was used to battle an alien nanoplasm that had ruined the Iron Man Armor Model 20.[citation needed]


A kiln produced honey-comb shaped polymer tiles. These were held in place by a force field and replaced after impacted. Tiles could also be used as chaff or as projectiles.

It possessed repulsors and a uni-beam. It had diamond-tipped blades for cutting samples. A bio-containment field prevented contamination of the armor or samples gathered.[citation needed]


  • This armor was originally identified as the Iron Man Armor Model 24 in 2008's All-New Iron Manual. It was subsequently renumbered to Model 23 in the Iron Manual TPB, released later that year, due to the reclassification of the previously-designated Model 14 as a subset of the Model 13. In 2018, the "Many Armors of Iron Man" variant cover series for Tony Stark: Iron Man #1 split the Model 13 back into 13 and 14, implicitly moving up this armor's designation back to Model 24. The cover series implies other changes, as the designations for Models 42, 45, 50 and 51 remain unchanged despite the Model 13 split bumping up the designations for Models 16, 22, 29 and 37 (to 17, 23, 30 and 38, respectively). Since the limited scope of the cover series makes it impossible to determine the full extent of changes in numeration (as it only spotlighted twenty suits), the Marvel Database will prioritize the numbering from the Iron Manual TPB.

See Also

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