Marvel Database


Peter Ross was a commander in the Union Army during America's Civil War, whose career inspired his grandson, Thaddeus Ross, to pursue a military career.[citation needed] At some point late in his life, he was murdered by unidentified foreign spies, inspiring his children, Alexander and Betty, to serve their country, his son becoming a military official himself while Betty joined the FBI.[2]

By the early days of World War II, Betty had become ally and friend to Captain America and Bucky, as well as their secret identities of Private Steve Rogers and Camp Lehigh’s mascot, James Barnes. While never having met the man, nor likely even aware of his existence, James nevertheless envisioned Ross as King Peter, the deposed ruler of a country now under the yoke of a fantasy version of Ivan the Terrible. After escaping the dungeons of the barbarian invader alongside a fantasy version of Betty, the heroes unite with Peter and his loyal subjects hiding in the countryside, ultimately seizing the kingdom back from Ivan before Bucky awakened from his strange dream in time for reveille.[3]



A revolver and a saber[4]

See Also

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