Marvel Database


Piotr Rasputin (Earth-2149) from Marvel Zombies Dead Days Vol 1 1 0001


Little is detailed about Colossus' life before the zombie plague arrived on Earth-2149, however it can be presumed that it followed much the same path as his Earth-616 counterpart.

At the Xavier Institute, Colossus and a number of X-Men, were battling a zombified Alpha Flight, when Magneto arrived, and propelled metallic debris through the zombies' heads with his magnetic powers, and he asked them to help him save humanity.

Presumably, they got in contact with Nick Fury, and battled their way through the city to reach the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, which was acting as the base of operations for the resistance. Here they heard Nick Fury tell them that it was the end of the world, and that everyone was now on the same side, including Magneto. A little later, he, Thor, Storm, and Nightcrawler, came to investigate a disturbance in one of the labs. They bumped into Nick Fury, who was escaping a zombified Fantastic Four and ordered a quarantine lockdown, when two huge bulk-heads sealed them in with the teleportation device that Fury was trying to protect.

Realizing there was no escape for them, and that the zombies could use the teleporter to infect other realities, they destroyed the device as Thing crashed through the solid bulkhead, and the Fantastic Four infected them. Reed then told the others to collect the pieces of the transporter, and start moving it to the Baxter Building.[1]

When Beast and Reed Richards found a sizable stash of meat in Latveria and the surrounding area, Colossus and a huge horde of zombies headed off to lay siege to Castle Doomstadt.

Unable to break through the castles magical defenses, Piotr was presumably surrounded by the re-animated corpses of the Deadite Legion. His ultimate fate was unknown,[2] but it can be presumed that he was fried when the Power Cosmic Zombies tested out their new powers, disregarding his metallic body.


  • It is unexplained how Colossus was zombified, as his metallic body should protected him from any bites. It’s possible he was bitten when he returned to his normal form.


  • Colossus appears to be wearing his 70s costume.

See Also

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