Marvel Database


Alongside Illyana Rasputina and Arkady Rossovich, Piotr Rasputin was one of the leaders of the Eurasian Republic. Their region was among the seven geopolitical territories whose combined power governed the entire world. In turn, the heads of the Eurasian Republic were part of a secret council of world leaders under the leadership of the world's imperator, the Maker, who orchestrated geopolitical conflicts and alliances to rally their citizens together under a common cause. In present day, the Eurasian Republic played the role of "rogue state" against which the rest of the territories rallied, this led the Rasputins to earn a reputation of infamy across the world.[1]

Rasputin and his associates attended a gathering of heads of state held in Latveria by the Maker. When the ceremony was interrupted by an army of super-soldiers from the future sent by the warrior Kang to kill the Maker, the world leaders engaged and defeated the combatants.[2] Afterward, they convened in the Maker's castle, where they explained to the new member of their alliance, Howard Stark, the insidious workings of their secret society.[1]

After Stark betrayed the Maker, trapping him inside his headquarters, the City, as it closed itself off from the rest of the world, the Rasputin and the rest of the cabal gathered to discuss their course of action going forward in light of the Maker's absence, and agreed on waiting two years to see if the City opened up.[3]

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