Marvel Database

Quote1 Anyone can win a fight--when the odds--are easy! It's when the going's tough--when there seems to be no chance--that's when--it counts! Quote2

Appearing in "The Final Chapter!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #33

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Master Planner's henchmen

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Final Chapter!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #33

Spider-Man is trapped by tons of iron and finds it in himself to raise the giant mechanism trapping him to rid himself of guilt given by Uncle Ben’s death and to save Aunt May. As he exits, his leg is hurt but he grabs the serum and soon the lab is flooded with water. He lets himself be swept along the current, yet as he makes his way to the surface, he finds more henchmen waiting for him. Going ballistic on the henchmen, he makes his way to Curt Connors’ lab with the serum. After testing it successfully on his own blood, he reasons it may be a cure for Aunt May. Connors phones the hospital to approve the serum Spider-Man is delivering.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man goes back to take pictures for The Daily Bugle and phones Frederick Foswell to get the scoop of the year. As Peter delivers pictures to J. Jonah Jameson, Betty Brant is shocked to see Peter bruised and beaten, which he says is from trying to get pictures. She fears that she’d lose an adventurous Peter Parker the way she did with her brother. Peter then barters with Jameson on the pictures to raise money for Aunt May’s hospital bills as well as all the scientific equipment he pawned off last issue to buy ISO-36. After getting the money, he heads to the hospital to find the results on Aunt May and while he’s being looked at, a nurse announces that the results are in. It seems ISO-36 has cured Aunt May after all. After making sure that Aunt may is out of danger, Peter Parker goes home to get some well deserved rest.

Appearing in "Behold! A Distant Star!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four #37

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:

  • Humans
  • Skrulls
  • Druffs (First appearance)
  • Natives of the primitive alien planet (Mentioned)
  • Beasts of burden on the primitive alien planet
  • Birds (Mentioned)
  • Squirrels (Mentioned)




  • Skrull Space Yacht
  • Prototype rocket borrowed from NASA

Synopsis for "Behold! A Distant Star!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four #37

Testing out his new power-ray, Reed accidentally causes Johnny to flame on and destroy his tux. After, when he meets with Sue, she is upset that her father's killers roam free. Vowing to get them, Reed commissions a special space craft with NASA that would allow them to travel through sub-space to the Skrull homeworld.

Traveling there, they fight with Morrat, the Skrull Warlord who has visions of conquest and wants to marry King Dorrek's daughter, Anelle. Battling the Fantastic Four, he defeats them and takes the entire group captive. When Anelle tells her father the king that the Fantastic Four are on their world, the enraged monarch finds Morrat's actions treasonous, and goes to find out what's going on.

Meanwhile, thinking that the power-booster is a weapon, Morrat orders Reed to use it against his friends. Reed does just that and the restored FF battle Morrat and his Skrull army until the king arrives. The king orders Morrat to desist, prompting Morrat to order his men to kill the king. However when Anelle attempts to save her father, Morrat jumps into the line of fire. While Anelle is saved by Invisible Girl's force field, Morrat is killed.

With Morrat destroyed, the king tells the Fantastic Four that it was Morrat who had visions of conquering Earth, and informs them that they no longer need fear invasion from the Skrulls, and allows them to return to Earth. The FF arrive home just in time to go through Reed and Sue's practice ceremony.

See Also

Links and References

