Marvel Database


Not much is known about Prince Omei, if he truly was a prince, his nationality is unknown. Residing in the United States during the 1940's, Omei fancied himself a crime boss and would use his hypnotic powers to enthrall Professor Philo Zog in order to exploit his robot Electro to commit crimes. With Zog under his control, Omei forced other mobsters to be his loyal servants and then sent Electro to commit robberies on his behalf.

Growing increasingly paranoid, Omei sent Electro to Zog's lab to destroy it for fear that the government would use Zog's plans to construct another robot. Zog snapped out of Omei's control and attempted to attack him. Omei defeated Zog and tied him up in order to kill him. However, Omei was distracted when his own minions turned on him.

Zog used his miniature controls to summon Electro back to Omei's base, and the robot shielded Zog when Omei -- having completely lost his mind -- set off a bomb, killing himself and his back stabbing minions.[1]



Prince Omei was a hypnotist that could control people upon making eye contact. Those enthralled by his hypnosis would follow his commands. However, it would appear that actions that would be personally damaging to his slaves would cause them to snap out of his control. The limitations of Omei's hypnotic powers appears to be that he can only control one person at a time since he was unable to use his hypnotic powers against his minions while in control of Professor Zog.

See Also

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